Persons: Hotel manager and male maid; Female Manager: Appears to be in late twenties, stout, may have encouraged male maid to assault me after having allegedly performed backgorund check on me. She appears to be a female Hispanic, subtle yet provocative. Male Hispanic maid appears to be in his early twenties, 5'3 perhaps, less than 130 pounds, bubbly yet forgetful, removed items owned by establishment from my room.
setting: Extended stay, Lisle, Illinois.
Action: Male maid assaulted me without provocation, (march 25, 2011 at roughly 4:00p.m.) by using the back of his right hand to make contact with my right pectoral area/lapel on my coat situated on my right side. He eventually extended his hand smiling in a perverse manner, (opinion). I discussed matter with a third party and it was agreed I would move after my food and drink supply were depleted.
Monday, march 28 at 7:00 p.m. male Hispanic maid knocked on my door, I sensed he was beligerent. I told him he cleaned the room some seventy hours before and that the pattern was at least every two weeks. He allegedly left toilet paper sprawled out in the corridor to which I placed in a corner of the elevator upon discovering it. I ventured to the Lisle police station between 8:00p.m. and 9:00 p.m. to convey the erratic and illegal behavor this male maid perpetrated against my person.
Wednesday at roughly 2:00p.m. I heared by my door the voice of a female that sounded like the manager say, "cahm"? I heared the male maid say a second later, "bitch".
These most upsetting individuals in my estimation allegedly colluded to harass me, and I believe law enforcement is providing information to these people in reference to a non published book I wrote decades ago which at points was in poor taste but again not published and would not have been due to the unfavorable response to its content. The male maid's actions were illegal and comments provocative, and weather they know it or not I believe both quite youthful parties revealed a scam and clues to a littany of other crimes to extrot moneys from those who operate on a maudlin scale at my expense, deceased family member's expense, and tax payors expense.My strong sense is that if Rod Blagovitch's defense team is allowed to exercise subpoenas, he will be exonerated of future charges except the lying to the FBI. In relationship to my case if it is apropriatly investigated by parties in cooperation with the Cook County States Attorney and U.S. Attorney in the tenth district, it will reveal the tragic circumstances of my case and add further credibility to our former governor, Blagovitch.
Dan Usiskin
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