Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Hero in All of Us

My fellow Americans:

What does it mean to be a hero? What or who are our heroes or those we admire for their accomplishments, bravery, iniative or even magic some project to enable many of us to escape the mundane rigors of life, if only briefly? An athlete, perhaps, a musical group, a climactic end to an artistic work that leaves us thinking it was woth the price of the ticket many times over? Is it that sin nature we try to bury only to be visited by it yet again? Godd vs. evil? This hero theory has validity. It defines America. Never compare how people lived here as opposed to one hundred years ago......the majority are wealthy now as compared to then, thanks to our heroes. Consider our leaders or Presidents'- Presidents' of the United States-I'd like to believe our country has sustained itself because we voted for the right leaders, our heroes, at the right time, to see us through difficult times. Abe Lincoln and a union divided; Franklin Roosevelt and the depression and world war 2; Harry Truman and the H-bomb; John Kennedy and all the baggage of the sixties and the Cuban Missle crises; Reagan and the economy and the cold war; Bill Clinton and his outstanding managerial style; George Bush senior and oh how we read those lips. Brilliant career-The right people for the right time.

Recently I read a book, an autobiography by a brilliant endurance athlete named Lance Armstrong, a retired cyclist for whom we should all be moved and encouraged to emulate. If ever there existed a superman he is it. I is the story of a man who hails from small towns in Texas whose teenage mother and he fought stereotypes and the alleged abuse of a biological father, a drunk who abandoned his family and a stepfather who allegedly physically abused Lance in his pre-adolescents-to acheive great success in their professions. Lance discovered as a teenager he was a brilliant endurance athlete, a cyclist and triathlete, and a possessor of many gifts besides. Along the way he found the right people to befriend, helping him along, teaching us that it takes alot more skill to acheive kindness, and when he slipped slightly into righteousness, outside forces such as cancer humbled him. Remarkable. He triumphed over tragedy in a sequence of near fatal tragedies because of a ferocious inner drive to survive and thrive, never judging his self worth by other than his accomplishments and who he is as a person. He does not belittle people, period. His demeanor is poised and calm, facing potential death to cancer in his mid twenties at a time when his career was burgeoning, he eventually acheived like a superman, seemingly knowing when to turn it on or off yet subtle and always tasteful, he beat it.Our hero. As mentioned, Lance always found people in life to assist him, brilliantly so, weather in business, to fight cancer, cycling....people adore this man. When he needed to complete high school but was at risk of not graduating with his class because of sports commitments, he persuaded a private school to enable him to metriculate, free of charge to earn his diploma. He received exposure in in competitions and triatholons so he could win prize money and attract sponsors. He networked with physicians to treat his cancer and win the tour de France seven times after his remission and cancer faded. Death hung over his head like a damaclese, and yet through it all he maintained his poise and beat it. He was repeatedly accused of drugging himself to enhance his performance, tested hundreds of times, and proved the allegations to be false. He set up a foundation and a multipurpose web site to address health, wellness , events and cancer patient concerns. He looks great on a bike, comes across as a yuppy, is a father, husbund, and has made his teamates wealthy. His relationship with his mother is moving and he credits her in part for his success. OUR HEROES. We all seek to live up to the Lace Armstrong's and his mother of this world- never quit attitude, however, I assure you, there are some who beat cancer who come across as ogers who beneath their veneers are nice people and there are those who come across as nice people who are really ogers who succumb to it and those in between. It's what one does with the adversity that defines the person, in part.

Now I have my own story as do we all, a private hell of sorts, and I'd like to think it isn't over for me yet. for lace, as the title goes, IT'S NOT ABOUT THE BIKE can be perversly tweaked to my life to express it is not over until I die. Case in point: don't allow a comedian/ piro maniac to yell opah in a crowded Greek restaurant. Folks, in all seriousness, thus far I have survived it all: homelesness, attempted murder, insults, sexual assaults, assaults, reckless endangerment, voyeurism, what I have seen and what i know. It is mentioned in my blogs. I have borrowed as best i can from erudite people and my studies to be the best person i know. Sure I've made mistakes.......who hasn't? Unfortunately for me I have experienced many people in the polar opposite to a Lance Armstrong. Some of those who initially sought to help me are criminals and engage in group think, and I have refused to go along. My mindset is to follow in the footsteps of those who are experienced and learned, period. If it is easily found in a book, why not accept the gifts? Now I am not vindictive or manipulative, however, those depicted in my blogs have corrupted and disgraced their agencies to enrich themselves at my expense, tax payors, and diseased family members, their excuses innapropriate and lude because they just feel at ease with their behavor. Crowd psychology and the nature of disturbed people palys a role here, projecting their own ill and desires because they are lacking as individuals and are collective lunatics-they are criminals.

Our nation has always ridden out the roller coaster rides of triumph and tragedy, this great experiment as Senator John McCane so aptly referred, from slavery to opression, wars and recessions, descrimination and depressions to everything in between. Once upon a time, and America seems to brilliantly reinvent itself, a great nation. Where did all the angst start for me, and why does a municipality seek to destroy me? Why in a similar veign does my country face khaos when thirty years ago we were a creditor nation and eleven a surplus nation, and now heading for bankruptcy and out of control deficits? I almost feel Christ like, Maybe even completely redeemed for any of my past indescretions. To be honest, it began largely by having been surrounded by circumstances a nd subpar peoples that are like the Willie Loman's of the world-death of a Salesman, about a man who just could not make it happen as a salesman and killed himself because of it. He was no con artist and may have died for it. The people who have perpetrated crimes against myself, tax payors of Illinois and deceased family members fancy themselves clever operators and opportunists when in my opinion if they ever faced reality would join the Willie Loman's of the world to free us of our spent good will. They are in reality defunct sociopathic very strage chess players and sick in their methodologies. They will never come close to being the Lance Armstrong's of the world because they do not have the right stuff. We understand them or have a good idea of what they are about.They function as behavoral pedophiles and perverts and prey on the vulnerable. Who are they, you may ask? They fit a profile, alright, and are hideous in their quest to enrich and pleasure themselves. They only confirm that sexual minorities in this country should remain largely clandestine because their identities are not just driven largely by libidinal desires, but sin in connection to many facets of their beings.Gay, Lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender- those are a majority of the people who have wreaked havok on me, and have put the world through a rollercoaster ride of bliss and despair. What, essentially, do they have on me? As if my discussions with my psychiatrist were for naught. Their simple claims that I am a degenerate, a fag, are not true. I say they are hideous, their claims personal invasions of my privacy, maudlin almost completely, heinous.Folks, like the great American, Lance Armstrong, I will never cease in my pursuit of justice: if I have been forced to face my truths you can be certain i have made it my life's mission to make these perverts face theirs-and justice. Their truths are lies to deceive, hide through privilages they should have never been bestowed, wreak havok, to extort, exploit, criminalize, extort, murder, terrorize, assault and belittle to monopolize their authority and compromise innocence. Sexuality is their exclusive theme/subject and rational with me, and my response to them is, look in the mirror.

Who are these people? what agencies do they represent? What are their methods? How would a reasonable person asess these people? Where do reasonable people draw the line and what justifies action of any kind if and when it's necessary? As I mentioned, in my opinion, these people are the Willie loman's of the world when one peels away the layers, unfortunately tallented at scheming to destry lives, not so tallented at much else, I would imagine. They are an oemeba of sorts, a diseased multifunctioning organism that collectively comprise on body, spreading their cancers throughout society and peoples good will, mainly for profit. They ascribe to group think, join the party as it were, because this is truly how they survive or in some cases derive cheap thrills, in my opinion. They are connected with government or are the government and in particular law enforcement agencies in my case, in Cook county, illinois, financial terrorists, and reasonable people should shun their practices,period.Where to draw the line? It seems devine intervention is all that could save us at this point. Sometimes justice is served, more often not. In my case my critics say I lack bravery. I agree. Bravery in the circles I have travelled could easily get one killed. They think I'm dumb and hypersexual.... I say it is none of their business what I am.

Who are these people? Opportunists, Willie loman's in part, dishonest, ruthless and a disgrace to honest people who try to do the right thing. I will expose these people in this writing, not out of heroics but truth. They are many of the kids I attended junior high school with, a perverse college administrator and nasty summer employees, a corrupt cook County municipal government, media, psych workers, some former and some deceased, civilians and others. These mentalities have compromised America and put us through that rollercoater ride I mentioned earlier, and have challenged us politically, socially economically and environmentally. Hence, if one knows where to look and reason, the world could begin to greatly improve, unfortunately, America's good will continues to be spent by those who occasionally reveal themselves in their expressions and in their actions. The rollercoaster ride for worse, may be over soon.

Lance Armstrog's books are gems that teach, and the one, IT'S NOT ABOUT THE BIKE means there exists a synthesis to the passions and variables that make for the beauty and freedom that is a symphony on wheels in the knowledge all things are good whaen lance is on his bike, dear to his heart, thus improving the lives of many. We sense when things are good and when they are bad; and many seek to overcome. We seek or should to resist evil, to survive, thrive, and if only through our heroes vicariously ascend the peaks and vallys to seek a better way, make things right, to instill a sense of heroics in all of us.


Lincoln Jr. High, Skokie, Illinois (1970's)
Curry College, Milton, M.A., (late 1980's)
In Touch Line, UofC, circle, Chicago
States Attorney, Cook County
U.S. Attorney, Northern district, Illinois
Illinois Attorney General
Chicago Police
Federal Bureau of Investigation
scum bags literally on the street
Mid America Rental Agency, Oak Brook, Illinois

Amy Johnson-former employee, Mid America Rental Agency, is alleged to have planted recording equipment in tennents apartments, and aided those in her company in contaminating this former tennants credit report. She strikes me as a sex deviant and may have aided law enforcement in perpetrating crimes against tennants at 1036 N. Dearborn, Chicago, Illinois , 60610.

John Bodie- Former administrator at Curry College in the 1980's, may have aided criminals to perpetrate robberies at his former place of employment, he brought students to parties wherein orgies transpired, drug use and pornographic lude picture taking transpired. He mjay have informed the FBI as to nasty messages I left on his answering device on his private line in response to points brought up in this writing and his having placed students at risk of contracting venereal diseases and falling victim to crime and did.

John Padilou- Witness to brother's death, mentioned in morton Grove death investigation report and perhaps report filed or should have by detectives out of Belmont and western in Chicago, paid me an uninvitd visit in Chicago at a motel. Mr. Padilou may be related to an individual that was working at Curry college as a maintance worker whom I got into an altercation with due to lude comments and poison ivy he allegedly placed in my underwear along with a peer.

Steve Jones-name mentioned in Morton Grove police death investigation report as a witness, (along with John Padilou) of James Usiskin's demise; I believe both parties murdered him. I alse belive the Belmont and Western police detectives are witholding evidence that would implicated they and Mr. Padilou and mr. jones in conspiracy to commit murder.


Bill Kurtis-responsible for son's suicide
Megan glaros-sneaky deviant, probably disturbed, perhps fashioned her hair after Amy Johnson.
Walter Jacobson-criminal
Hosea sanders-criminal
Rob johnson-crimianl-voyeur
Dianne Burns-deviant
Jerry taft and Tracy Butler-ruthless alleged voyeurs and do the dirty work of corrupt law enforcement personnel.
I belive many of the anchors in Chicago at channel 7 , 2, 5 and at fox news suffer from character pathological disorders of a libidinal nature.

In Touch Line-University of Illinois circle students-In connection with law enforcement in Illinois perpetrated voyeuristic acts against myself and others, drug crimes, and alleged conspired to commit sexual assaults, murder, extortion, stalking, reckless endangerment, attempted murder, assaults and harassment.

Thresholds Psych-Former employer to Marianne Flemming, perhaps she and many others are living off of extorted and illegal funds derived from illegal cottage industries and moneys illegally derived from Enco mfg. in a frivilous law suit many years ago with the assistance of the FBI and corrupt agencies in Cook County government. Sad story.

Marianne Flemming's leasbian lover; attempted to kill me with her car-she and lover allegedly used me as a catalyst for perverse sexaul acting out while i was at the Thresholds agency.

U.S. Attorney patrick Fitzgerald-

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