Friday, May 11, 2012

2701 Technology Drive-Lombard. Illinois

I have to post about this wretched place because the staff are utilizing the law enforcement community in Cook County, Illinois at all levels. Fortunately for me they are not overly bright and so I am once again going to spell the beans on a corrupt law enforcement community that is working through civilians to perpetrate a littany of crimes against innocent civilians to allegedly among other things engage in prostitution. Drug use has transpired in the open, and god knows what else. I know the Chicago police and FBI keep copious notes of abuses as trophies because they feel they can do whatever they want. They feel if they can substantiate I am a bitch they can continue on in their littany of crimes. A medevil test. My message to you Robert Muller and Louis Free is that you , in, my opinion, are pedophiilic whores and drafting this letter translates into my potentially paying with my life to seek justice for tax payors of Illinois, my family and deceased brother. The maids and maria,(the hotel clerk) and the manager have intimidated me by engaging in reckless endangerment and reminding me of past sexual crimes perpetrated against me by law enforcement/civilians in connection to law enforcement.. My blogs do a reasonably good job of documenting abuses,( Google Dan Usiskin and scroll to Reformist site-research). Folks, The Intelligence agencies in America have abused their privilages and have monopolized their authority to kill innocent Americans on september 11 , 2001 and their own, former agent O'Neil. They have labeled me through the media as a provocateur when in reality many are libidinally pathologically disturbed. Folks, you are not stupid, we know America is in trouble and a couple of self serving individuals are running for the presedential seat in less than a year. We know we have to make drastic changes or our country is in big trouble......chapter 11 trouble in less than a few decades. I bring these points up because we have entrusted our nation to individuals that purposely sabotage us economically, through prolonged military conflicts, and a congress with an exceedingly low approval rating. They say if law enforcement wants to get you they can easily do so, but bear in mind in my blog they very likely killed Frank Martinez having found a loop hole in his alleged criminal ways......just to let you know. He was entitled to a trial. They tried to kill me through civilians and never having imagined an internet would be invented, may never find out who has reviewed my blogs. All I seek at this stage is for My father's estate to receive his money back that was extorted from him by a judicial system that is corrupt and caters to many that are mentally ill. Dan Usiskin.

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