Friday, May 24, 2013
Jodie Aries: the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.....without God
Jodie Arias was nearly an hour late in presenting a plea in a seemingly last minute change of heart from a jail house interview with a television reporter shortly after her conviction for first degree murder of Travis Alexander. The anticipation in the court room burgeoned, the families of the accused and deceased sat quietly having displayed a brilliant air of stoicism, the judge equally controlled, and I could not help but search the rolodex of my subcontious in a maddening effort to bring to light all that I have learned as if I was seeking to save the accused from death or even persue her for second degree murder, in the same way and with the same dire drive I recalled John Scully, the former CEO of Apple computer wrote in his book, ODYSSEY, having saved it from bankruptcy and demoting Steve Jobs in a board room show down, almost the kiss of death to the corporation several years later. In my efforts to appear diplomatic, though I am hardly an Abba Eban schooled in such matters, in reality, like Israel, many in Cook county law enforcement circles and the state department branch in Boston prefer me dead, or in Israel's case, their Arab neighbors-the theme of the Jodie Arias trial presents no less a scenario. It has been made very interesting by HLN's staff and regular guests, whom I view with a mix of eloquence, analytical and superbly schooled, outstanding in their coverage of the Michael Jackson trial, at times medevil when commenting on affaris/crimes of passion. They are highly skilled attorneys as are their regulars and degree toting young urban professionals skilled on many levels, however I do not care for Nancy Grace, Vinnie Politan or Dr. Drew, a bit rough around the edges. Hence, the expert witnesses, district Attorney Juan Martinez, Defense attorneys Kirk Nurmi and Jessica Wilmott, the subtle elegance, beauty, grace and and shrude attentiveness of Judge Stevens, Detective Flores, the Jury, (Questions presented to them by the judge on behalf of the Jury), several side bars, combined to make for a fluid case that presented evidence that demanded a verdict.
Where does one begin to elaborate, except yo draw on Jodie's words when she expressed in a jail house interview to a reporter days before her oration before the jury to spare her life; 'death is freedom', only to plead for life because it is intensely innate for most to live? So who was Jodie Aries and who was the man she brutally murdered? To me this trial, though very educational thanks to the expert witnesses, was a defunct version of Pigmallion, the actors, the accused and deceased synonomous to the worst congregation of elements on the periodic table created an explosive air of perverse devulgences, Travis a Shallow sedo masochist, Jodie his toy. Who were these two, really? I believe Jodie in her hope angainst hope scenario sought a hint of intimacy from Travis in a delusional desire to marry him, which escalated into obsession, tire slashing, kind of stalking, a complete denial of her desires, and a final visit to his home aware that a communication in a text message that Travis conveyed she was evil and the worst thing to have occured in his life was soon forgotten by he when she proposed another lude act they engage; she was not good enough to take on a vacation or remain comitted in monogomy, but okay for release. She knew and instead of ending the affair, struck like a cobra while he showered, a heinous act. As for Travis, a pre oedipul mind set that lead him astray like most men.
Jodie Aries presents herself as an attractive at times bright American Indian like former catholic school girl who parties ,(in appearence) wanton in action, who knows how to survive yet adds an air of comedic camillian like touches with alternating hair colors and occasion playful sleazy expressions when photographed next to certain men she has dated. She is a deeply disturbed skewed individual perhaps through little fault of her own, suffering from character pathological traits as do many Americans, with a failure to empathise, sympathise or vicariously see the world on a level adequate to effectively cope. She is a study in contrasts, like Hitler, a tallented artist, singer, yet lacking innate kindness like judge Stevens or as I ponder, the retired singer, Judy Collins. It may be due to lack of schooling or a failure to care. How deep is your love sang the Bee Gees - Jodie probably entertained in her thoughts about Travis, a defunct exercise, and to Travis I am reminded by the saying, ' It's a guy thing', meaning he was a collegiate type, jock, pizza and beer with the buddies during sunday afternoon football, grilling, expensive toys, home, vacations, a wonderful family and friends that loved him. But he had a dark side: To Jodie he was not Dr. Jeckyll but more in line with Henry Hyde. HE NEVER LOVED HER. They were hardly strangers that even so much as made the most of the dark-two bodies can met while two minds lay empty, no it was an abusive on again off again relationship, never quite on the same page. Never on the same wave length, they were two mormons whose souls drifted into sin because in part society presented waves too monumental to overcome. They were like wanton versions of McBeth, no direction, no compass, no destination, not even a plot or three Witches to fuck with their minds.
I am deeply troubled by HLN's commentators bashing Jodie at every turn. She feels....she sins...and yes she was a queen bee in search of Drones; to Travis, an eventual Medusa, a fortress of emotions to survive, craving intimacy, a fine line between this and hate, for like a bat in flight, producing high pitched noises as it rains and thunders outside, producing high pitched noises of sorrow and pain as it furiously rains and thunders outside into the night, rejected by its flock, desperately seeking love any way it can find it. Rest assured attorneys, Jodie will suffer in her tiny cell, isolated, controlled, maybe even eventually put to death. She opined for nineteen minutes, wanting desperately to live, she reached from within her soul and gave of herself as best she could, hardly a college graduate, but importuned to please dear God let her live as if a person in the worst moment trying desperately to connect yet gaurded, and some on the jury agreed. Could they live with their decision and view her in her open casket? Unlike some lunatic Federal agent or Chicago cop looking to add meaning to their lives by completely controlling others, no, this Jury was superbly pondering this case and was a force of mighty intellect.
Man's inhumanity to man is documented ad nauseum in the library of congress, life throughout history is really quite cheap. A prolonged stare in a seedy bar in a small town in the south;one hundred thousond gang bangers in Cook county; bulls torchered by matadoors; A Chicago cop that gets drunk, rams his car into another on an expressway, sets it ablaze killing two college kids, and his peers throw a fifty dollar a plate party in his honor....alchohol included; rogue law enforcement and soldiers endorse a caste system that not only defines a country, but several nations; middle eastern cou d' tats; pornography, a one hundred billion dollar a year business, some one's son or daughter, sister or brother, glorified in movies, the internet and cable. One in ten in America is an addict, animals domestic and live stock torchered and murdered daily; hip hop stars spewing lyrics of murder, violence, pimping, racism and diatribes. America is a country that changed individual European nations rule several times for the past five hundred years; Indians in the western hemisphere displaced, decimated and murdered in a trail of tears or amny death marches; blacks brought here in chains. This a brilliant country.....except in the way people treat eachother. Is Jodie Aries so rear even in thought? Can she love anything or anyone? She brutally killed a man, a man she obsessed over, a man who provided clues as to what he sought, like a perverse business arrangement, IN HIS WAY OF THINKING, A MEETING OF THE MINDS AS HE UNDERSTOOD IT! Oh how it should have ended with a hand shake when they met at legal convention; they were young, attractive, she seeking love, he successful, she seeking to be his Liza Doolittle entrenched in beauty and promising futures, jet setters, as the singer Adelle said, we could of had it all......but there was no intimacy here.
It was the great criminal defense attorney Clarence Darrow who wrote, 'there is no crime in a thought.' He saved his clients lives, was in on amazing cases as a defense attorney, softened the validity of his clients acts, balanced the angers, fears, sorrows like a brilliant conductor displaying marvelous control and touch, he took his profession beyond an art form, he was an attorney for the damned one person wrote. No crime in a thought, except Jodie became a preying Mantis....Travis a sit com like character that lead a duuble life.
Much has played out in this trial, I have pondered Jodie as a meal ticket for certain media types, some perhaps fearing that Jeckyl and Hyde syndrome escalating in their lives, many look down at her, though they should refrain. You see, from defense expert Dr. richard Samuels, a gesture of kindness bestowed on Jodie in the form of a book, his outstanding credentials aside, he unfortunately prone to blunders like a politician that debates superbly only to engage in petty diatribes to dilute his/her message in small measure; to Dr.Jeneen DeMarte, for the prosecution, the same age as Jodie and perhaps jennifer Wilmont, brilliant in her demeanor on the stand, equally schooled, a dangling strand of hair on her forehead as if a member of Sigmund Freud's Vienese followers....nice touch; to Dr.Kevin Horn, the medical examiner, pain stakingly laid out his answers for Juan Martinez, he, (Juan Martinez) laser focused, well schooled juxtaspisitions and hand gestures, agressive, brilliant, creepy Aztec in appearence, relentless, kept people on the stand on course, a born attorney, Jennifer Wilmott, highly intellectual, short like Juan, beautiful brown hair, plump, little escaped her scrutiny as with Juan Martinez with endless side bars and objections. The social worker, Alyice LaViolette, superbly schooled, she came across as a recounter sympathetic to Jodie's plight, odviously like any expert leaning toward the state or defense. The experts differed in Jodie's exact diagnoses, but all agreed she is disturbed. Let us not forget the brother and sister of the deceased, impasioned pleads to the jury to comprehend the gravity of their loss, they were indescribaly stoic and brave,and many I fathom grew to love them and both families! Finally, Kurt Nirmay, fat, a catchers mit of a face, when he did speak at length during his closing, was slow, methodical yet deliberate, creative and to the point. He hardly reminded me of Scott Turow's fictional defense Attorney, Alejandro Stern, smooth and debonair Latin defense attorney with an affinity for fine cigars and drink, but he tied it all together-it's just that Juan Martinez is a tough act to follow as is the forensics.
THe Jodie Aries trial has thus far personified intelligence, sleaze, a peek into the lives of Americans residing in or near the west coast, several experts and degree toting hot shots, and dirty dirty secrets, I'll tell ya, I am ticked off at some of HLN's staff and guests,deprecating Jodie at every turn, though the televised audience taught us through mock trials, one word round robbins, debates, surveys, diverse expert opinions, jail and court life, demonstrations and synopsis.
As Jodie awaits to hear if a jury will send her to death row or perhaps a second trail to even determine if she may one day make parole, in a state of maloncholy I feflect on a song I heared on Youtube, the lyrics, YOUE ARE THE MAGNET AND I AM STEEL, so subtle and lovely, and I picture Jodie embracing her love interest, someone other than Travis, who could have never loved Jodie, for she was the public, media, her family in speaking on her behalf, even od and herself. She brought some of it on herself, and her suffering will match Travis in time. Jodie reached for love in a foolish manner, and in the end denied herself.
Everyone deserves intimacy, Jodie's train just got derailed along the way.
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