It seems the media through law enforcement are elated with the thought of sexual abuse and I must tell you that it is pathetic how the ring leaders wear their deficits like scars and how hard working American people put up with their crap. Do I have to tell some of the readers of this post how it is you can not trust adults because they harbor fantasies they find impossible to keep contained? Look at Penn state and that subculture of abuse they harbored for decades. Look at forty percent of the Cook County population,(negro) its males tortured and falsely imprisoned on death row for decades under the Chicago police and all of law enforcement in Cook County. Look at media members that have committed heinous crimes and still retain their jobs. The catholic church-young wall street protestors tired of being used by a government hugely in debt, facing year over year massive deficits, erratic congressional members that are manipulative and social malaise. To the media in particular I say fuck you, your number has been up a long time ago and in my case if you people had any guts you would come clean on your nazi abuses along with those mentioned in my blogs. All but one federal agent came clean ie:911; All but a few came clean at Penn state and well after the damage had been done; When did the law enforcement community in Cook County wake up to area two and the killing fields practiced there in the seventies and eighties?
In this world of abuse occasional gems surface. Ann Frank and her discovered diary after world war 2; a book I read that can cut health care costs, improve the environment and improve the lives of animals....EAT TO LIVE, by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, and western DuPage county and Cook, specifically Indian Head Park and its youth, as the rock star Madonna said, 'beauty's where you find it'.
It would be nice if the genetic rapists in the media and law enforcement came clean on this murder of Kelli O'Laughlin and the suspect prosecuted and given a lethal injection. We owe it to America's youth.
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