I am greatful to those who have followed my comments on Kelli O'Loughlin's face book page. My primary focus is on her for this post and victimizations by the executive municipal branch of Cook County to monopolize their authority and enable mentally disturbed libidinal filth employed in Cook County government to exploit people such as her. Kelli O'Loughlin was a beautiful young pre adolescent girl who was savagely murdered in her parents home by a burgler who later allegedly taunted the family of the deceased by using the decendentnt's stolen cell phone to call the mother. My hunches proved correct about a cell phone in this crime and the coins, gold coins used to barter a cab ride, coins stolen from the O'Laughlin home. It is clear to me and has been since I was a child that the Cook County states attorney is an indescribably corrupt agency run by polymorphous immature filth that used the public as catalysts for their sick agendas and engaged in negligable investigatory procedures of murders in Illinois,( 48 hours mystery, Poccocio case, 1993;and Drew Peterson case, FBI Dirkson Federal building-2008; John Burge-commentary-Chicago Tonight) with a focus on exploiting male blacks and young attractive female anglo girls. The law enforcement community in Cook County Illinois has repeatedly disgraced itself as I do entertain concerns that Tom Dart of the Illinois state police and Anita Alverez of the Cook County states attorney's office will be forthright with the media in the O'Laughlin case and other cases. Agian they are negligent hires in my opinion and it is clear a deranged criminal in the case of Kelli O'Laughlin was allowed to roam the streets with no effort made by the states attorney's office to apropriatly monitor him.
People such as Anita Alverez and Tom Dart are deceptive figures whose motives at times are bizarre. Before I stress my points it is best I focus primarily on facts to substantiate my points. Mrs. Alverez focus on leniency for drug suspects as shared by a fellow candidate for her office and a protege' of Dick devine said on Chicago Tonight during a debate drug users require rehabilitation not jail time. Wherever users are confined if at all is often necessary because not unusually severe addictions will lead to crimes outside of the scope of ingestion of drugs. Tom Dart has cracked down on financial commerce web sites such as Craigs List in pursuit of prostitutes. His cause is noble except the participants have thousonds of sites to clandestinely practice and nailing them for crimes is exceedingly difficult. The emphasis should be placed on criminals with proven track records, many of whom have been or are employed in law enforcement in Cook County,illinois, to be recipients of the states attorny and other law enforcement agencies constant testimony before Illinois legislative bodies to seek remand for criminals that invade outstanding communities and kill preadolescent girls. The man who killed Kelli O'Laughlin was not homeless or starving, but deranged according to his brother and others. I blame the states Attorney's office in Cook County for her death for reasons Duly Noted. They have displayed behavor indicative of voo doo policies-prick a doll and that will discourage hardened criminals from committing heinous crimes. For God's sakes, such filth is employed in law enforcement in Cook County so why expect them to persue their peers? It did not work for Officer drew Peterson and had his third wife been diagnosed as murdered the first time by the medical examiner and the Dirkson FBI crowd persue answers, I believe the suspician cast would have insured against his fourth wife's disappearence. I know it. The alleged killer of the Poccocio girl whose dna was deeply embedded under her finger nails within twelve hours of her last shower and demise, he not being her boyfriend was arrested years later for several other murders of young anglo girls in California. Detectives with the Illinois state police claim they were discouraged from investigating the suspect by the cook County states attorney, the same states attorney's office that charged the suspect in the murder in Glenview, Illinois only after alleged witnesses came forword 18 years later to the death of the Poccocio girl. They allegedly saw a girl get sifted dozens of times and said nothing for eighteen years? i don't believe it.
So chuckle in private Illinois law enforcement Nazi filth, in Particular Anita Alverez and Tom Dart, as I exercise my first ammendment right, you work among inept criminals and God knows what you are up to. And again, make no mistake, I blame the States Attorney's office with Kelli O'Laughlin's death because of the courts/states attorney's office agencie's lack of common sense procedures to properly restrain, administer psychological tests or monitor her killer. For starters, guys like Kelli's killer should have been forced to report to a probation officer five days a week or encouraged by the cook county states Attorney. Dan.
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