Thursday, December 29, 2011
Law enforcement in Illinois-monopolization-smile....You're on the President's web site
It is odvious law enforcement in Cook County, Illinois, the Chicago police/fbi/states attorney/Dirkson federal crowd and others through their intranet are using the maids/staff where I currently reside to provoke me-androgenous matli crews in relationship to my blogs and brother's murder. I feel compelled to divulge these truisms and rape of my autonomy, blacks of both sexes instrumental still. Clearly the littany of crimes perpetrated against my person by a ring of criminals in connection to law enforcement in the most populous counties in Illinois and law enforcement themselves is appalling, the same libidinal filthy mentalities that have played the American public for fools. Folks, we need to cease in playing a game of rewards for criminals that repress their intentions only to covertly divulge them in evil ways, sad to say many are gay, lesbian, cross dressers and libidinally pathologically disturbed, heterosexulas included but not leading the charge as pronounced as others. Look how we have evolved as a nation by entending privilages to repressive deviants. We are facing bankruptcy, crime is alive and well, our regulators and politicians are defunct, our currency has been intrinsically diluted and we are figuratively in the year 1974 and touched base three years ago and every so often with the depression era 1930's as well. Inflation is upon us and our energy needs are in very real danger of dwindling to the point our quality of life over the coming decades may be challenged. This reflects on apalling elements that have placed me in a psychological prison with the hope of a real one because subcontiously I am not evil and they are. Scum law enforcement and their civilian leaches fancy themselves smart when in reality their mentalities have contributed to out of control deficits and looming bankruptcy in America. How long is this party supposed to last, folks? Cook County is at the center of it: Obama has his home here and his cabinet are from here and the 911 commission hired a former governor to work its investigation team from here, and Hillary is from here and so on. Law enforcement label me a whore.....they are!!!! I never wanted to address the issue of sexual abuse, law enforcement's pathetic crimes in connection to civilians and they directly, but do so I must. Text book needs to control not just me but anyone they seek to keep in line, as soldiers have died in Iraq because they are viewed as invasive and are projecting similar mentalities or did. Again these mentalities exist in Cook County, scum bags leading the charge, and as law enforcement and their ilk seek to destroy me, I must say it reads like a Harlequin discarded in a garbage bin and retreived by a bum for his pleasure. If the best law enforcement and the media and a host of other fags can do is focus on my past indescretions in my early twenties, they are pathetic and rapists. It is mostly a schizophrenic smoke screen to extort monies from me, tax payors and estranged family members. They refuse, decades later to step up to the plate because they will go to jail in disgrace and shock a nation if they do. They monopolize their powers and have lead to the intrinsic decline of America, not just Cook County. For if it were not for the internet or DNA evidence my messages would never be conveyed, and John Burge would have succedeed as a serial killer cop and I would have been permantly silenced. Talk about evil sedists with every intent to do harm under the sun!!!!!I have named the agencies involved in my blogs and some persons-I regognize the patterns and know many of the players. I may never receive justice, but I will be heared. Dan.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Had my groceries delivered to me. it appears based on the clues divulged to me by what I perceive as disturbed staff/kids where I reside-compliments of my blogs and in particular corrupt law enforcement in Cook County, illinois, and the Chicago police/states Attorney, Irwin/Nadia at In Touch decades ago and the staff,(what a feeding frenzy by so many nuts) they feel that if they can substantiate that am gay or bi sexual, that ecuses heinous criminal activity. This Marianne Flemming and her apalling Hispanic lover along with the rest of the filth in this mess going on twenty five years - have been stalking me through law enforcement. they have done so to protect their alleged cottage industries and Asian secret. Look, the maintanance man wherre I reside stood next to the delivery man and silently mouthed obsceneties. What is this baby punk think he's trying to prove? Jerrymander me? I think it's time my father estate, tax payors of Illinois, and myself be granted a tribunal. I am not the only one screwed by a Nazi government that killed my brother and colluded to kill me more than once and perpetrate a littany of heinous crimes against me, ( Marianne Flemming and her looser Mohikan lover-get a life-fags)- our macroeconomy is heading for bankruptcy; Washington is in turmoil and civil rigths and other litigation is innundating the courts. Just no trust anymore. The thieves can't go out and earn an honest buck-they have to allegedly extort it from my deceased father, me and tax payors of Illinois. Law enforcement in Cook County and many parts of Illinois has monopolized their powers like drug king pins and their reputation is destroyed.
Folks, I played by the rules almost entirely throughout my life. Law enforcement in Illinois seldom does. I get harassed by media on a continuel basis, focused on voyeuristic exploitation and my past diatribes. You people are fucking crazy. This network has killed Americans on september 11, 2011, in particular the FBI, financial Armeggedon for years emanating in America and spreding to the rest of the world, and impoverishing 26% of American citizens. What do you assholes want to do.....Kill me? You murdered my brother and the states ttorney and Patrick Fitzgerald refuse to investigate because cpd and fbi are responsible. This is 1974 all over again. Deviants.
Folks, I played by the rules almost entirely throughout my life. Law enforcement in Illinois seldom does. I get harassed by media on a continuel basis, focused on voyeuristic exploitation and my past diatribes. You people are fucking crazy. This network has killed Americans on september 11, 2011, in particular the FBI, financial Armeggedon for years emanating in America and spreding to the rest of the world, and impoverishing 26% of American citizens. What do you assholes want to do.....Kill me? You murdered my brother and the states ttorney and Patrick Fitzgerald refuse to investigate because cpd and fbi are responsible. This is 1974 all over again. Deviants.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Have to be truthful
I do not understand according to CBS two's legal analyst, Irv Miller, Judge Zagle giving Blagojevich a sentence in hopes he will die in jail. Actually I understand it......and Zagle is a looser scum bag in bed with the Dirkson Federal crowd unlike that judge who's mother and husbund were murdered several years ago and woks with the Dirkson crowd as well. Forgot her name but I seem to recall she ruled against a man with a deformity afflicted on him by a surgeon. Blagojevich received a sentence three times longer than many who have been convicted of manslaughter, many who in some states get out in half the time or less of their sentences. If you are beautiful and rich and succesful like Lindsay Lohan, try a few hours for cocaine posession, probation violation a nd drunk driving. Blagojevich exercised his first ammendment rights and according to Irv Miller Blagojevich received a lengthy sentence among other factors for it. Does anyone really think Blagojevich is appologetic toward the Dirkson Federal crowd....? A pandoras box of libidinally based pathological scum and the embarassment despite his actions-people gathered in the atrium of the Dirkson federal building awaiting to hear his fate like a salem whitch trial ritual? Because I feel strongly about these assholes that spend our good will, America, I am willing to commit psychological suicide and tell it as I should. These people at Dirkson are sneaky as is the media as are our politicians in many instances. How can the Intelligence agencies live with themselves when they failed to notify the President as to wall street abuses? washington as well. How can Obama at this point opine on the future of America when we are heading for bankruptcy if not in ten tears maybe twenty. Failed energy policies, and in the midst of this we are going to destroy Blago. He's just a mental case and should have been removed once it was discovered what he was doing. A diversion for matters infinitely more pressing to the future of America and the world.
How can many of these genetic rapists, negligent hires and sickos at Dirkson deal with the public knowing they are destroying them? So Blagojevich gets 14 years, how dare he exercise his ammended rights!!!!! How dare he challenge the authority of Zagle and the courts!!!!!! Gaaaaahd damb him!!!!!! Folks, we must accept the fact law enforcement in Cook County and the intelligence agencies are on an endless macho crusade and protect their own. Their message to blacks? john Burge gets 4 years for ruining dozens of lives. Make a call to your aunt so and so, tell her to talk to cousin Benny, the FBI agent that all the kids at school teased because he was built like a man in college but whose face was frozen in the eighth grade. Tell him you got a problem guy at work, no law suits for that failed promotion, just kill or get him, the boss, beaten up or harassed for life. Benny is all to happy to accomodate because he gets his jollies doing whatever. You think Benny's peers are going to risk loosing a pension, salery, protection of their agency and other job prospects after the FBI? RIIIIGHT. If the truth came out about my situation it would not surprise me if vigalantess shot and killed cook county cops and FBI. As for Patrick Fitzgerald and many like him........a demonic pedophile and genetic rapist.
How can many of these genetic rapists, negligent hires and sickos at Dirkson deal with the public knowing they are destroying them? So Blagojevich gets 14 years, how dare he exercise his ammended rights!!!!! How dare he challenge the authority of Zagle and the courts!!!!!! Gaaaaahd damb him!!!!!! Folks, we must accept the fact law enforcement in Cook County and the intelligence agencies are on an endless macho crusade and protect their own. Their message to blacks? john Burge gets 4 years for ruining dozens of lives. Make a call to your aunt so and so, tell her to talk to cousin Benny, the FBI agent that all the kids at school teased because he was built like a man in college but whose face was frozen in the eighth grade. Tell him you got a problem guy at work, no law suits for that failed promotion, just kill or get him, the boss, beaten up or harassed for life. Benny is all to happy to accomodate because he gets his jollies doing whatever. You think Benny's peers are going to risk loosing a pension, salery, protection of their agency and other job prospects after the FBI? RIIIIGHT. If the truth came out about my situation it would not surprise me if vigalantess shot and killed cook county cops and FBI. As for Patrick Fitzgerald and many like him........a demonic pedophile and genetic rapist.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Blagojevich gets 14 years
This whole process has been a fag capade and the vendetta against Blagojevich has been severe by the court, some in the media, and the U.S. Attorney. Sure he was guilty-he was also caught. The state is still bankrupt, social malaise still is rampant, and politicians are still unethical and test the legal waters. Andy Shaw's comments were very intellectual and lies about certain financial figures at certain points and if he was referring to me only confirms he is a sociopath, probably a liberache and criminal scum bag. The case has dealt with a laborious amount testimony, witnesses, paperwork and the dockets in both trials. Do not think for one minute based on my blogs and all other information illinois courts, law enforcement and many in Illinois are not corrupt and are noticably more skilled than Blagojevich was. Judge zagel threw the book at Blagojevich, wants to suck the life out of him, and again the Dirkson Federal crowd watched Blagojevich's crimes like a movie instead of nip it in the bud-early in the process. If I ever receive justice dozens would end up in jail because i am the son of a deceased industrialist and peoples decided to move their brhavorial pedophilic chess pieces in a sociopathic manner to steal or extort monies from he and tax payors of Illinois. Again, the state is bankrupt, politicians still pull their sweet heart deals, minorities are at odds with eachother and police, a mess. I hope books will be written about this trial and the docket completely reviewed.
There are a whole lot of criminals that are involved in this case, many variables to be examined on a highly intelectual level.
There are a whole lot of criminals that are involved in this case, many variables to be examined on a highly intelectual level.
On the anniversy of the murder of James Usiskin
Well here we go again. Fox news Chicago weather reporter in Chicago Tammy sousa jesting on the 19th anniversy of my brother's murder. The law enforcement community to this day refuse to investigate. Apparently this and channel 7 in Chicago allegedly having used and may still weaather cameras in the Sears tower and in my case link this to a sick latin woman that tried to kill me with her car in the middle of down town Chicago in a bizarre connection to her lesbian lover if one can call it that whom I indirectly threatened because she assaulted me at the Thresholds psychiatric agency several years before. This in connection to a fictional book I wrote wherein the peoples names were altered. Tammy Sousa is a piece of work in her own right. Insisting repeatedly that she is married. She resembles an action figure Jerry Sanduski would be proud to know. As for law enforcement in Cook County.......they are like Obama at this stage.......America's economy is doubling its debt load every three years-heading for chapter 11 bankruptcy in ten to twenty. As for fox news agency where Tammy England the past year they have been exposed for a littany of crimes of a nature so heinous I do not wish to get into it. The gay, lesbian. bi-sexual and transgender communities need to be reinstated as a pathology in the physicians book reference yet again. Finally, the law enforcement community in Cook County are Nazis. If the best they and sleaze at news channels can do is obsess about sexual pathological issues which are not their business, rationalizing heinous crimes perpetrated against myself for several decades, the torcher of dumb male blacks in the 70's and 80's at area two police in Chicago, they are a sorry bunch.
Friday, December 2, 2011
What I fail to understand is if Amy Jacobson, a former anchor at channel 5 in Chicago is suing cbs in Chicago for lude behavor with a camera ,(Rob Johnson and cbs named in law suit) why is mary Kay Kleist and anchors from cbs 2 news in Chicago friends with Amy Jacobson on their face book pages ie. Facebook friends? Share the profits later? Why are anchors in Chicago all in a "mesh" with cbs anchors knowing Rob Johnson did what he did? Do they have concerns they could be next?
So let's my case the states Attorney of Cook County,(Sue Gafton?), law enforcement in Cook County and CPD - conn artists employed at psychiatric agencies, colluding with law enforcement and former Thresholds staff to have allegedly indirectly extorted millions from my father - a network of corruption and behavoral pedophiles of a venal nature given my psych test results/deceased brother's in Cook County's executive branches and not one person wishes to come clean. John Burge you're in good company. I need a lawyer yet again!!!!!
So let's my case the states Attorney of Cook County,(Sue Gafton?), law enforcement in Cook County and CPD - conn artists employed at psychiatric agencies, colluding with law enforcement and former Thresholds staff to have allegedly indirectly extorted millions from my father - a network of corruption and behavoral pedophiles of a venal nature given my psych test results/deceased brother's in Cook County's executive branches and not one person wishes to come clean. John Burge you're in good company. I need a lawyer yet again!!!!!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
I have received vicious harassment where I reside and have for several months. I will explore my legal options as I am convinced the law enforcement community in Cook county and beyond maintain data bases that violate the legal and civil rights of innocent peoples such as myself. I am alleing I have information about murders that never would have transpired if not for them. Given their track records, I deem them to be Nazis and unfortunately the pattern reveals itself through male and female blacks that have short memory spans as to area two in Chicago or my efforts to assist impoverished blacks throughout the world. Due to the appalling deviant abuse which is harassment I will never assist impoverished blacks again. The indication as I interpret it is that law enforcement in Chicago feels they can violate my legal and civil rights if they nab substantiate I am a gay man. They are part of a network of criminals that I allege operated through psychiatric agencies and may not violate the law in search of answers regardless of my orientation. I wish many good luck prior to 1990 if they were gay or are considering society's view, AIDS, the military, comedians, bans on gay marriage, the Christian right, the promiscuity/deviant behavor, familial rejection in some cases and humiliation and possible job loss and bullies at schools. Get with the program law enforcement in Illinois.......given your track records, particularly in the prisons and may of your clientle, people don't give a fuck what you have to say. I'd rather go to sleep and never wake up than be affiliated with you. Dan
Dan Usiskin
Dan Usiskin
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