Friday, December 2, 2011


What I fail to understand is if Amy Jacobson, a former anchor at channel 5 in Chicago is suing cbs in Chicago for lude behavor with a camera ,(Rob Johnson and cbs named in law suit) why is mary Kay Kleist and anchors from cbs 2 news in Chicago friends with Amy Jacobson on their face book pages ie. Facebook friends? Share the profits later? Why are anchors in Chicago all in a "mesh" with cbs anchors knowing Rob Johnson did what he did? Do they have concerns they could be next?

So let's my case the states Attorney of Cook County,(Sue Gafton?), law enforcement in Cook County and CPD - conn artists employed at psychiatric agencies, colluding with law enforcement and former Thresholds staff to have allegedly indirectly extorted millions from my father - a network of corruption and behavoral pedophiles of a venal nature given my psych test results/deceased brother's in Cook County's executive branches and not one person wishes to come clean. John Burge you're in good company. I need a lawyer yet again!!!!!

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