Thursday, December 1, 2011


I have received vicious harassment where I reside and have for several months. I will explore my legal options as I am convinced the law enforcement community in Cook county and beyond maintain data bases that violate the legal and civil rights of innocent peoples such as myself. I am alleing I have information about murders that never would have transpired if not for them. Given their track records, I deem them to be Nazis and unfortunately the pattern reveals itself through male and female blacks that have short memory spans as to area two in Chicago or my efforts to assist impoverished blacks throughout the world. Due to the appalling deviant abuse which is harassment I will never assist impoverished blacks again. The indication as I interpret it is that law enforcement in Chicago feels they can violate my legal and civil rights if they nab substantiate I am a gay man. They are part of a network of criminals that I allege operated through psychiatric agencies and may not violate the law in search of answers regardless of my orientation. I wish many good luck prior to 1990 if they were gay or are considering society's view, AIDS, the military, comedians, bans on gay marriage, the Christian right, the promiscuity/deviant behavor, familial rejection in some cases and humiliation and possible job loss and bullies at schools. Get with the program law enforcement in Illinois.......given your track records, particularly in the prisons and may of your clientle, people don't give a fuck what you have to say. I'd rather go to sleep and never wake up than be affiliated with you. Dan

Dan Usiskin

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