Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Corrupt law enforcement/conduit news agencies

I will continue to post links on cbs2 news Facebook page in reference to hideous corruption and bizarre verbal samantics by FBI scum through cbs 2 news anchors and other sources seemingly justifying criminal activity which effects not just me but deceased family members and tax payors of Cook County, Illinois. I am well aware as are citizens of Cook county of the appalling illegalities effecting them-hence, to imply jibberish jargon or mathematical trash talk as a rational for illegalities is bizarre and strange, otherwise, why is don't ask don't tell no longer a military issue, though it should be; or gay marriage allowed, period? The subtle hypnotic deviations from reality exercised on the part of cbs 2 news and cook county government into civil court to, " get the story" or other crimes is reprehensible. It prolongs an environment of sleaze created largely by those who wear their deficits like scars. By no means does the FBI collectively and cbs 2 news staff members posess the training of medical doctors/psychologists to have a clue as to what is going on in many cases. They clearly lack morals and expertise to the point they operate as sociopaths and let me assure the readers, they are a functional sick amoeba because when all is said and done, all men who do their best do the same. We are dealing with criminals here, folks, no fine lines.

This is why I have repeatedly stressed to citizens of Cook of County our good will hhas been spent, and I further assure the readers, there exists enough illegal hires in the system to substantiate my claims beyond logic.

Scams exist, bizarre rationals equally so, those in positions of authority and in rings and destructive criminals networks spurred on by law enforcement in Cook County do not wish to end up being supervised in jails having betrayed the faith in eachother and Illinois citizens to live out their Jeckyll and Hyde fantasies. Their Mission Impossible themes will not get them past the norm on the bell curve or spear citizens from their intrinsic garbage or do any of you recall the outcome of the Blagojevich trial? You all should surmise their Pandoras box is so wide open and character pathologies so pronounced, Marceau marceau would have retired early at the site of them. Folks, our societal party of prolonged prosperity in many venues will be severely curtailed in future years. If you care about the future of life, than a plathora of think tank agencies must arise to combat government corruption at all levels. Or perhaps you all are used to terms such as doomsday and expediant legislation weather it's transportation in Illinois or wall street bail outs. Our government has few scruples; people are full of sin. Look, we are deteriorating economically, educationally in Chicago public schools as a group, socially and have diluted progress because government has gone to the fishes and is manipulative. It's leaders consistantly entertain a Marie Antwinet attitude, drain the tax payors for our mismanagement and enjoy the figureative carousal ride as we are overcome with joy high on psychological morphine......wake up, people!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look, I am not rallying citizens of Illinois, I seek no unfair advantages, many are not worth it anyway, rather, the pathological networks/clicks seem to do as they please and with relative ease. In my case the rule many years ago was go along or be cast out. I'm out. Go along? Should I have gone along with Hitler back in the day? Slavery? Women being denied the right to vote? Blacks being forced to give up their seat on the bus? Propaganda to aid and abett in societal deterioration because the police or Intelligence agencies said do so? Did't we all read about those cheap propaganda tactics to keep people in line back when we were students? I live in reality. I will no longer remotely go along with a governmnet that fucks up worse than I ever could when we face the littany problems brought out in this writing. You know the score people......bankruptcy, botched up investigations, abuses, it is always something.

No matter where we are in the progression of political hodge podge, we can alter our destiny for the better. Again I am not a consummate Che'- a character in the play, Evita, running around telling people you see, see....all is about to crumble and you trusted this bitch!!!!? Others know the specifics better than I. If people trusted a poor farm girl to save them from themselves they were dreamers. Clearly the law enforcement community in many parts of Cook county are fixated on planting seeds of destruction, sneaky fuckin' bastards that will poison our future and reap a harvest of decay. Why not borrow from the many sources that get it right on so many topics in and outside America?

should I produce a littany of names? Mention the criminals? You know about the John Burge's; the Terry Hilliard's that are sell outs to their own race or why represent an agency that picketed a good supertendant and raised money for a cop that drunkenly killed two civilains? Sick.....sick. Where are we coming from, people, for example when we witness a great character actor deteriorate, (Charlie sheen) because he lives in a dream world of booz, loose women, and drugs? It caught up with him and will catch up with us-soon. Feed into the malaise of destruction? Get help, Charlie and you too Cook County government and the media, or are have you no more decency?

Where do you draw the line, folks?


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