Thursday, December 29, 2011

Law enforcement in Illinois-monopolization-smile....You're on the President's web site

It is odvious law enforcement in Cook County, Illinois, the Chicago police/fbi/states attorney/Dirkson federal crowd and others through their intranet are using the maids/staff where I currently reside to provoke me-androgenous matli crews in relationship to my blogs and brother's murder. I feel compelled to divulge these truisms and rape of my autonomy, blacks of both sexes instrumental still. Clearly the littany of crimes perpetrated against my person by a ring of criminals in connection to law enforcement in the most populous counties in Illinois and law enforcement themselves is appalling, the same libidinal filthy mentalities that have played the American public for fools. Folks, we need to cease in playing a game of rewards for criminals that repress their intentions only to covertly divulge them in evil ways, sad to say many are gay, lesbian, cross dressers and libidinally pathologically disturbed, heterosexulas included but not leading the charge as pronounced as others. Look how we have evolved as a nation by entending privilages to repressive deviants. We are facing bankruptcy, crime is alive and well, our regulators and politicians are defunct, our currency has been intrinsically diluted and we are figuratively in the year 1974 and touched base three years ago and every so often with the depression era 1930's as well. Inflation is upon us and our energy needs are in very real danger of dwindling to the point our quality of life over the coming decades may be challenged. This reflects on apalling elements that have placed me in a psychological prison with the hope of a real one because subcontiously I am not evil and they are. Scum law enforcement and their civilian leaches fancy themselves smart when in reality their mentalities have contributed to out of control deficits and looming bankruptcy in America. How long is this party supposed to last, folks? Cook County is at the center of it: Obama has his home here and his cabinet are from here and the 911 commission hired a former governor to work its investigation team from here, and Hillary is from here and so on. Law enforcement label me a whore.....they are!!!! I never wanted to address the issue of sexual abuse, law enforcement's pathetic crimes in connection to civilians and they directly, but do so I must. Text book needs to control not just me but anyone they seek to keep in line, as soldiers have died in Iraq because they are viewed as invasive and are projecting similar mentalities or did. Again these mentalities exist in Cook County, scum bags leading the charge, and as law enforcement and their ilk seek to destroy me, I must say it reads like a Harlequin discarded in a garbage bin and retreived by a bum for his pleasure. If the best law enforcement and the media and a host of other fags can do is focus on my past indescretions in my early twenties, they are pathetic and rapists. It is mostly a schizophrenic smoke screen to extort monies from me, tax payors and estranged family members. They refuse, decades later to step up to the plate because they will go to jail in disgrace and shock a nation if they do. They monopolize their powers and have lead to the intrinsic decline of America, not just Cook County. For if it were not for the internet or DNA evidence my messages would never be conveyed, and John Burge would have succedeed as a serial killer cop and I would have been permantly silenced. Talk about evil sedists with every intent to do harm under the sun!!!!!I have named the agencies involved in my blogs and some persons-I regognize the patterns and know many of the players. I may never receive justice, but I will be heared. Dan.

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Had my groceries delivered to me. it appears based on the clues divulged to me by what I perceive as disturbed staff/kids where I reside-compliments of my blogs and in particular corrupt law enforcement in Cook County, illinois, and the Chicago police/states Attorney, Irwin/Nadia at In Touch decades ago and the staff,(what a feeding frenzy by so many nuts) they feel that if they can substantiate that am gay or bi sexual, that ecuses heinous criminal activity. This Marianne Flemming and her apalling Hispanic lover along with the rest of the filth in this mess going on twenty five years - have been stalking me through law enforcement. they have done so to protect their alleged cottage industries and Asian secret. Look, the maintanance man wherre I reside stood next to the delivery man and silently mouthed obsceneties. What is this baby punk think he's trying to prove? Jerrymander me? I think it's time my father estate, tax payors of Illinois, and myself be granted a tribunal. I am not the only one screwed by a Nazi government that killed my brother and colluded to kill me more than once and perpetrate a littany of heinous crimes against me, ( Marianne Flemming and her looser Mohikan lover-get a life-fags)- our macroeconomy is heading for bankruptcy; Washington is in turmoil and civil rigths and other litigation is innundating the courts. Just no trust anymore. The thieves can't go out and earn an honest buck-they have to allegedly extort it from my deceased father, me and tax payors of Illinois. Law enforcement in Cook County and many parts of Illinois has monopolized their powers like drug king pins and their reputation is destroyed.

Folks, I played by the rules almost entirely throughout my life. Law enforcement in Illinois seldom does. I get harassed by media on a continuel basis, focused on voyeuristic exploitation and my past diatribes. You people are fucking crazy. This network has killed Americans on september 11, 2011, in particular the FBI, financial Armeggedon for years emanating in America and spreding to the rest of the world, and impoverishing 26% of American citizens. What do you assholes want to do.....Kill me? You murdered my brother and the states ttorney and Patrick Fitzgerald refuse to investigate because cpd and fbi are responsible. This is 1974 all over again. Deviants.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Have to be truthful

I do not understand according to CBS two's legal analyst, Irv Miller, Judge Zagle giving Blagojevich a sentence in hopes he will die in jail. Actually I understand it......and Zagle is a looser scum bag in bed with the Dirkson Federal crowd unlike that judge who's mother and husbund were murdered several years ago and woks with the Dirkson crowd as well. Forgot her name but I seem to recall she ruled against a man with a deformity afflicted on him by a surgeon. Blagojevich received a sentence three times longer than many who have been convicted of manslaughter, many who in some states get out in half the time or less of their sentences. If you are beautiful and rich and succesful like Lindsay Lohan, try a few hours for cocaine posession, probation violation a nd drunk driving. Blagojevich exercised his first ammendment rights and according to Irv Miller Blagojevich received a lengthy sentence among other factors for it. Does anyone really think Blagojevich is appologetic toward the Dirkson Federal crowd....? A pandoras box of libidinally based pathological scum and the embarassment despite his actions-people gathered in the atrium of the Dirkson federal building awaiting to hear his fate like a salem whitch trial ritual? Because I feel strongly about these assholes that spend our good will, America, I am willing to commit psychological suicide and tell it as I should. These people at Dirkson are sneaky as is the media as are our politicians in many instances. How can the Intelligence agencies live with themselves when they failed to notify the President as to wall street abuses? washington as well. How can Obama at this point opine on the future of America when we are heading for bankruptcy if not in ten tears maybe twenty. Failed energy policies, and in the midst of this we are going to destroy Blago. He's just a mental case and should have been removed once it was discovered what he was doing. A diversion for matters infinitely more pressing to the future of America and the world.

How can many of these genetic rapists, negligent hires and sickos at Dirkson deal with the public knowing they are destroying them? So Blagojevich gets 14 years, how dare he exercise his ammended rights!!!!! How dare he challenge the authority of Zagle and the courts!!!!!! Gaaaaahd damb him!!!!!! Folks, we must accept the fact law enforcement in Cook County and the intelligence agencies are on an endless macho crusade and protect their own. Their message to blacks? john Burge gets 4 years for ruining dozens of lives. Make a call to your aunt so and so, tell her to talk to cousin Benny, the FBI agent that all the kids at school teased because he was built like a man in college but whose face was frozen in the eighth grade. Tell him you got a problem guy at work, no law suits for that failed promotion, just kill or get him, the boss, beaten up or harassed for life. Benny is all to happy to accomodate because he gets his jollies doing whatever. You think Benny's peers are going to risk loosing a pension, salery, protection of their agency and other job prospects after the FBI? RIIIIGHT. If the truth came out about my situation it would not surprise me if vigalantess shot and killed cook county cops and FBI. As for Patrick Fitzgerald and many like him........a demonic pedophile and genetic rapist.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Blagojevich gets 14 years

This whole process has been a fag capade and the vendetta against Blagojevich has been severe by the court, some in the media, and the U.S. Attorney. Sure he was guilty-he was also caught. The state is still bankrupt, social malaise still is rampant, and politicians are still unethical and test the legal waters. Andy Shaw's comments were very intellectual and lies about certain financial figures at certain points and if he was referring to me only confirms he is a sociopath, probably a liberache and criminal scum bag. The case has dealt with a laborious amount testimony, witnesses, paperwork and the dockets in both trials. Do not think for one minute based on my blogs and all other information illinois courts, law enforcement and many in Illinois are not corrupt and are noticably more skilled than Blagojevich was. Judge zagel threw the book at Blagojevich, wants to suck the life out of him, and again the Dirkson Federal crowd watched Blagojevich's crimes like a movie instead of nip it in the bud-early in the process. If I ever receive justice dozens would end up in jail because i am the son of a deceased industrialist and peoples decided to move their brhavorial pedophilic chess pieces in a sociopathic manner to steal or extort monies from he and tax payors of Illinois. Again, the state is bankrupt, politicians still pull their sweet heart deals, minorities are at odds with eachother and police, a mess. I hope books will be written about this trial and the docket completely reviewed.
There are a whole lot of criminals that are involved in this case, many variables to be examined on a highly intelectual level.

On the anniversy of the murder of James Usiskin

Well here we go again. Fox news Chicago weather reporter in Chicago Tammy sousa jesting on the 19th anniversy of my brother's murder. The law enforcement community to this day refuse to investigate. Apparently this and channel 7 in Chicago allegedly having used and may still weaather cameras in the Sears tower and in my case link this to a sick latin woman that tried to kill me with her car in the middle of down town Chicago in a bizarre connection to her lesbian lover if one can call it that whom I indirectly threatened because she assaulted me at the Thresholds psychiatric agency several years before. This in connection to a fictional book I wrote wherein the peoples names were altered. Tammy Sousa is a piece of work in her own right. Insisting repeatedly that she is married. She resembles an action figure Jerry Sanduski would be proud to know. As for law enforcement in Cook County.......they are like Obama at this stage.......America's economy is doubling its debt load every three years-heading for chapter 11 bankruptcy in ten to twenty. As for fox news agency where Tammy England the past year they have been exposed for a littany of crimes of a nature so heinous I do not wish to get into it. The gay, lesbian. bi-sexual and transgender communities need to be reinstated as a pathology in the physicians book reference yet again. Finally, the law enforcement community in Cook County are Nazis. If the best they and sleaze at news channels can do is obsess about sexual pathological issues which are not their business, rationalizing heinous crimes perpetrated against myself for several decades, the torcher of dumb male blacks in the 70's and 80's at area two police in Chicago, they are a sorry bunch.

Friday, December 2, 2011


What I fail to understand is if Amy Jacobson, a former anchor at channel 5 in Chicago is suing cbs in Chicago for lude behavor with a camera ,(Rob Johnson and cbs named in law suit) why is mary Kay Kleist and anchors from cbs 2 news in Chicago friends with Amy Jacobson on their face book pages ie. Facebook friends? Share the profits later? Why are anchors in Chicago all in a "mesh" with cbs anchors knowing Rob Johnson did what he did? Do they have concerns they could be next?

So let's my case the states Attorney of Cook County,(Sue Gafton?), law enforcement in Cook County and CPD - conn artists employed at psychiatric agencies, colluding with law enforcement and former Thresholds staff to have allegedly indirectly extorted millions from my father - a network of corruption and behavoral pedophiles of a venal nature given my psych test results/deceased brother's in Cook County's executive branches and not one person wishes to come clean. John Burge you're in good company. I need a lawyer yet again!!!!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011


I have received vicious harassment where I reside and have for several months. I will explore my legal options as I am convinced the law enforcement community in Cook county and beyond maintain data bases that violate the legal and civil rights of innocent peoples such as myself. I am alleing I have information about murders that never would have transpired if not for them. Given their track records, I deem them to be Nazis and unfortunately the pattern reveals itself through male and female blacks that have short memory spans as to area two in Chicago or my efforts to assist impoverished blacks throughout the world. Due to the appalling deviant abuse which is harassment I will never assist impoverished blacks again. The indication as I interpret it is that law enforcement in Chicago feels they can violate my legal and civil rights if they nab substantiate I am a gay man. They are part of a network of criminals that I allege operated through psychiatric agencies and may not violate the law in search of answers regardless of my orientation. I wish many good luck prior to 1990 if they were gay or are considering society's view, AIDS, the military, comedians, bans on gay marriage, the Christian right, the promiscuity/deviant behavor, familial rejection in some cases and humiliation and possible job loss and bullies at schools. Get with the program law enforcement in Illinois.......given your track records, particularly in the prisons and may of your clientle, people don't give a fuck what you have to say. I'd rather go to sleep and never wake up than be affiliated with you. Dan

Dan Usiskin

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I'll go after them with everything I got

Rod Blagoivitch. A tragedy! The Dirkson federal crowd wants to hear him beg for forgiveness. Remorse insofar as Law enforcement in Cook County Illinois is a joke if for no other reasons peoples subcontious predispositions. Genetic rapists, perverts, so widely documented it's sickening among the law enforcement community in Cook County. Consider that the U.S. Attorney and FBI sat on their hands for several years before they persued Blago in hopes his crimes would accrue and since he never cooperated they want to give him a near life sentence. His strategy proved correct as did Sam Adam's senior's assessment of Patrick Fitzgerald being a nut because Blagoivitch walked away from 95% of the charges the first time around. I have seen these Dirkson federal agents and many are just plain whores and a pandoras box of libidinal pathologies. I am of the opinion the physicians desk reference book appropriatly labeled many of them accurately pre 1974 and it should not have been removed as a pathology. Keep in mind the public does not trust the Dirkson federal crowd or anyone in law enforcement in Cook County because they would rather pay homage to sports teams rather than fallen officers in the line of duty.

Look, Blagoivitch violated the law, lest we forget the Dirkson federal crowd sat on their hands while area two torchered innocent male blacks for false confessions to murder in the eighties and nineties. Any remorse? Apparently not because they threw a $50.00 a plate dinner for Joseph Frugoli after he rammed a park car while drunk and set it ablaze, killing two people parked in an emergency lane. Sure he feels remorse, pleading innocent and Frugoli is granted bond. The bottom line is law enforcement in Cook County at all levels are low class and manipulate the good will of peoples - a law enforcement community that is sociopathic and always on the edge with an abysmal track record.

Blagoivitch deserves time. How much I can't say. I'll tell you this, many in the media and law enforcement give their children life sentences by having given them life. Take your pick, ladies and gentlemen, a governor who kept the state solvent yet engaged in crime, or someone like Patt Quinn and mike Madigen that have spent your good will, contributed to the states bankruptcy along with the general assembly, and test the legal waters at every turn.

Finally, Does the Dirkson crowd have an opinion of Karen Lewis bad mouthing an alleged speech impaired Arnie Dunken, bragging about her past illicit drug abuse while in College, as the FBI permits some candidates to have done in their past, and rant about other issues while Chicago public school students face gangs, broken homes, greedy teachers who could acre less if they pass or fail, inept law enforcement peoples who ridicule them, and the fact Cook County could become a modal for the world politically socially, economically and culturally? They are like the Conrad Murray's of the world.......'but I only gave Michael Jackson a small dossage of prpofil.' Anestheologists train eighty hours a week for ten years to administer drugs for surgery. He didn't know what the hell he was doing!!!!!

Maybe Karen and law enforcement in Cook County should continue to seek raises perhaps under the influence of what the gangs can provide. It's been done before.....Blago.....

Monday, November 28, 2011

Cover up

The apalling themes throughout Cook County, Illinois has always been cover ups in government despite the outstanding work performed by a huge majority of its citizens in the private and public sector. Maggie Daley died the past week and I have nothing to say regarding her fate. I met her husbund and was greatful he did not attempt to kill me while I ate my lunch in the very building where his deceased wife's coffin was displayed before being taken to a church. I do however have plenty to say on behalf of my blogs which can be viewed on the internet and Kelli O'Laughlin. I am apalled that people do not man up or confess to their hideous crimes if for no other reason to admit to mistakes or hideous senseless acts that effect the lives of innocent people. Mayor Daley ascribed to Nazi practies while in power and especially while the head of the states attorney's office in Cook County. Many people seem to think their criminal acts are amusing from torchering innocent people and imprisoning them to wall street floating toxic securities to a suspect who magically wound up with Kelli's cell phone, stolen items from the home of the deceased to Anita Alvera refusing to tell the media weather the suspect's dna was found on the murder weapon. Folks, I know what is going on and you know what is going on. our entire country has been compromised for highly educated peoples in government that endanger children, engage in wanton misdeeds and screw up our futures and we are supposed to play dumb. In my book if the heads of powerful government agencies want to manipulate I say they should be terminated. Do not be deceived. The quality of this child was angelic. The quality of the peoples in charge of prosecuting her alleged killer is akin to cheap porn. I would like to see a press conference held and it divulged weather the suspect's dna was found on any of the kitchen utensils found in the O'Laughlin home. I will no more ascribe to lies as did the Germans did with Hitler or petrified middle eastern peoples with respect to deposed leaders that were simply murderers and crooks. This has escalated to a game of cover your ass because when the truth comes out about Cook County law enforcement agencies you will find Kelli's murder could have been avoided and that of many others. They can use the media to taunt me, try to kill me yet again, but I will not relent becuse the proof is in the statistics and facts, and I am not their buddy and this aint no sweet heart deal. To people like former mayor Daley and the corrupt media and law enforcement community many of you are into power and corruption and money, and now you perverts want to use this beautiful child as your cult like sacrifice for your sick pleasures.
You filth wear your deficits like scars.....

Monday, November 21, 2011

The fight for America's future

It seems the media through law enforcement are elated with the thought of sexual abuse and I must tell you that it is pathetic how the ring leaders wear their deficits like scars and how hard working American people put up with their crap. Do I have to tell some of the readers of this post how it is you can not trust adults because they harbor fantasies they find impossible to keep contained? Look at Penn state and that subculture of abuse they harbored for decades. Look at forty percent of the Cook County population,(negro) its males tortured and falsely imprisoned on death row for decades under the Chicago police and all of law enforcement in Cook County. Look at media members that have committed heinous crimes and still retain their jobs. The catholic church-young wall street protestors tired of being used by a government hugely in debt, facing year over year massive deficits, erratic congressional members that are manipulative and social malaise. To the media in particular I say fuck you, your number has been up a long time ago and in my case if you people had any guts you would come clean on your nazi abuses along with those mentioned in my blogs. All but one federal agent came clean ie:911; All but a few came clean at Penn state and well after the damage had been done; When did the law enforcement community in Cook County wake up to area two and the killing fields practiced there in the seventies and eighties?

In this world of abuse occasional gems surface. Ann Frank and her discovered diary after world war 2; a book I read that can cut health care costs, improve the environment and improve the lives of animals....EAT TO LIVE, by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, and western DuPage county and Cook, specifically Indian Head Park and its youth, as the rock star Madonna said, 'beauty's where you find it'.

It would be nice if the genetic rapists in the media and law enforcement came clean on this murder of Kelli O'Laughlin and the suspect prosecuted and given a lethal injection. We owe it to America's youth.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Say it aint so Joe.......Say it aint so.....

We just heared in the last twenty four hours of the sex abuse scandal involving the Penn state football coaching staff and the indictments and firing of those who either participated or knew or witnessed the sexual abuse of male boys or children on the Penn state campus. Coach Joe paterno who has had an affiliation with the University for over sixty years and wished he'd done more to adress the issue was fired from his job due to this scandal. I am nearly speechless except to say this exemplifies my points that when push comes to shove there are many who will cover for their peers and agency to avoid backlash, even when sex abuse or murder is involved. I have brought this out in my blogs, have invited litigation, and have had no response to my posts anywhere on the internet or elsewhere informing me of litigation directed at me. Weather it's the FBI and 911, The Chicago police and their pathetic half baked attempts to cover up crimes, my blogs, or Kelli O'Laughlin and the gross mishandling of her alleged killer. Folks, crimes are crimes, and weather the parties who are victimized behaved foolishly or not as depicted, for example, in the movie , Accused with Jodie Foster, about a rape that transpired in a seedy bar of a provacatively dressed woman, or victims not deemed worthy of civil rights as repeatedly practiced by the Chicago police and FBI and cook county states attorney under then mayor Daley, crimes are still crimes. The fact our society glorifies criminals,remains hus hush in esoteric environments has contributed to dilution of our progress and elevating these risky behavors and those who promote it should be discouraged as much as possible. Whatever people can get away with they will. Do you really think you knew Joe and his coaching staff? Love ya Jay Zzz-Eminem-Hip Hop....

Saturday, November 5, 2011

No bars hold

I am greatful to those who have followed my comments on Kelli O'Loughlin's face book page. My primary focus is on her for this post and victimizations by the executive municipal branch of Cook County to monopolize their authority and enable mentally disturbed libidinal filth employed in Cook County government to exploit people such as her. Kelli O'Loughlin was a beautiful young pre adolescent girl who was savagely murdered in her parents home by a burgler who later allegedly taunted the family of the deceased by using the decendentnt's stolen cell phone to call the mother. My hunches proved correct about a cell phone in this crime and the coins, gold coins used to barter a cab ride, coins stolen from the O'Laughlin home. It is clear to me and has been since I was a child that the Cook County states attorney is an indescribably corrupt agency run by polymorphous immature filth that used the public as catalysts for their sick agendas and engaged in negligable investigatory procedures of murders in Illinois,( 48 hours mystery, Poccocio case, 1993;and Drew Peterson case, FBI Dirkson Federal building-2008; John Burge-commentary-Chicago Tonight) with a focus on exploiting male blacks and young attractive female anglo girls. The law enforcement community in Cook County Illinois has repeatedly disgraced itself as I do entertain concerns that Tom Dart of the Illinois state police and Anita Alverez of the Cook County states attorney's office will be forthright with the media in the O'Laughlin case and other cases. Agian they are negligent hires in my opinion and it is clear a deranged criminal in the case of Kelli O'Laughlin was allowed to roam the streets with no effort made by the states attorney's office to apropriatly monitor him.

People such as Anita Alverez and Tom Dart are deceptive figures whose motives at times are bizarre. Before I stress my points it is best I focus primarily on facts to substantiate my points. Mrs. Alverez focus on leniency for drug suspects as shared by a fellow candidate for her office and a protege' of Dick devine said on Chicago Tonight during a debate drug users require rehabilitation not jail time. Wherever users are confined if at all is often necessary because not unusually severe addictions will lead to crimes outside of the scope of ingestion of drugs. Tom Dart has cracked down on financial commerce web sites such as Craigs List in pursuit of prostitutes. His cause is noble except the participants have thousonds of sites to clandestinely practice and nailing them for crimes is exceedingly difficult. The emphasis should be placed on criminals with proven track records, many of whom have been or are employed in law enforcement in Cook County,illinois, to be recipients of the states attorny and other law enforcement agencies constant testimony before Illinois legislative bodies to seek remand for criminals that invade outstanding communities and kill preadolescent girls. The man who killed Kelli O'Laughlin was not homeless or starving, but deranged according to his brother and others. I blame the states Attorney's office in Cook County for her death for reasons Duly Noted. They have displayed behavor indicative of voo doo policies-prick a doll and that will discourage hardened criminals from committing heinous crimes. For God's sakes, such filth is employed in law enforcement in Cook County so why expect them to persue their peers? It did not work for Officer drew Peterson and had his third wife been diagnosed as murdered the first time by the medical examiner and the Dirkson FBI crowd persue answers, I believe the suspician cast would have insured against his fourth wife's disappearence. I know it. The alleged killer of the Poccocio girl whose dna was deeply embedded under her finger nails within twelve hours of her last shower and demise, he not being her boyfriend was arrested years later for several other murders of young anglo girls in California. Detectives with the Illinois state police claim they were discouraged from investigating the suspect by the cook County states attorney, the same states attorney's office that charged the suspect in the murder in Glenview, Illinois only after alleged witnesses came forword 18 years later to the death of the Poccocio girl. They allegedly saw a girl get sifted dozens of times and said nothing for eighteen years? i don't believe it.

So chuckle in private Illinois law enforcement Nazi filth, in Particular Anita Alverez and Tom Dart, as I exercise my first ammendment right, you work among inept criminals and God knows what you are up to. And again, make no mistake, I blame the States Attorney's office with Kelli O'Laughlin's death because of the courts/states attorney's office agencie's lack of common sense procedures to properly restrain, administer psychological tests or monitor her killer. For starters, guys like Kelli's killer should have been forced to report to a probation officer five days a week or encouraged by the cook county states Attorney. Dan.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Michael Jackson

It is clear at this stage Dr. Conrad Murray is guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the state of California having administered propofil to to the decedent, ichael Jackson for the following reasons:

(A) Dr. Steinberg's six points, (testimony) of reasonable care.
(B) Failure to maintain medical records
(C) failure to cooperate with authorities ie: Los Angeles police detectives, emergency room staff, emt staff, or to phone 911 on a timely basis.
(D) Failure to provide access to specialists or provide medical treatments to Michael Jackson in an apropriate medical setting with trained staff wherein case studies obtained online reveal mortality rates of less than one one hundreth of one percent.
(E) Dr. Steven Schaeffer's brilliant testimony
(G) Toxicology and medical examiners written reports
(H) (H) It should be noted that the medical examiner stated pathologies discovered to Mr. Jackson's alveoli due to excessive levels of propofil administration over a prolonged period are responsible for such pathologies according to the medical examiner.This is an indication another drug should have been administered by a board certified specialist in the area of sleep deprivation, not Dr. Murray.

The jurie's out Jane vallez Mitchell.......aaaaaaasholes.......

Friday, July 29, 2011

The Hero in all of us-part two

U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald and his agency-Fixer-violated Rod Blagojevich's civil and legal rights by divulging tapes to general Assembly, one in which Blagojevich was denied due process of law. He fixed the Valerie Plame affair. U.S. Attorney colluded with the Chicago Police and States Attorney to in the 70's and 80's to to torcher innocent male blacks to extract false confessions and place them on death row.Corrupt agency.

Cook County States Attorney: Corrupt-refer to poccocio case; refused to indict criminals in many past cases, aided and abetted area two police in the seventies and eighties of torchering innocent male blacks to extract false confessions to place them on death row under former mayor and states Attorney Richard Daly.

FBI-ring leaders in this mess and appallingly disturbed nazi sympathizers, many suffer from libidinal disorders and should not be employed by the agency, responsible along with other intelligence agencies for events that lead to september 11, 2001, they monopolize their authority and operate as a cult under their deceased founder, J. Edgar Hoover, a pervert and cross dresser. Intelligence agencies should be forced to divulge the identities of their staff.

It is clear the parties/agencies mentioned are corrupt or disturbed and I invite litigation at any time to attempt to refute my claims. If I end up murdered for my blogs, remember, we live in America.....

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The hero in All of us

I was only able to publist seventy five percent of my blog. I will get bact to you with its conclusion in a few days. I covered the bases in past posts.


The hero in All of us

I was only able to publish seventy five percent of my blog. I will get back to you with its conclusion in a few days. I covered the bases in past posts.


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Hero in All of Us

My fellow Americans:

What does it mean to be a hero? What or who are our heroes or those we admire for their accomplishments, bravery, iniative or even magic some project to enable many of us to escape the mundane rigors of life, if only briefly? An athlete, perhaps, a musical group, a climactic end to an artistic work that leaves us thinking it was woth the price of the ticket many times over? Is it that sin nature we try to bury only to be visited by it yet again? Godd vs. evil? This hero theory has validity. It defines America. Never compare how people lived here as opposed to one hundred years ago......the majority are wealthy now as compared to then, thanks to our heroes. Consider our leaders or Presidents'- Presidents' of the United States-I'd like to believe our country has sustained itself because we voted for the right leaders, our heroes, at the right time, to see us through difficult times. Abe Lincoln and a union divided; Franklin Roosevelt and the depression and world war 2; Harry Truman and the H-bomb; John Kennedy and all the baggage of the sixties and the Cuban Missle crises; Reagan and the economy and the cold war; Bill Clinton and his outstanding managerial style; George Bush senior and oh how we read those lips. Brilliant career-The right people for the right time.

Recently I read a book, an autobiography by a brilliant endurance athlete named Lance Armstrong, a retired cyclist for whom we should all be moved and encouraged to emulate. If ever there existed a superman he is it. I is the story of a man who hails from small towns in Texas whose teenage mother and he fought stereotypes and the alleged abuse of a biological father, a drunk who abandoned his family and a stepfather who allegedly physically abused Lance in his pre-adolescents-to acheive great success in their professions. Lance discovered as a teenager he was a brilliant endurance athlete, a cyclist and triathlete, and a possessor of many gifts besides. Along the way he found the right people to befriend, helping him along, teaching us that it takes alot more skill to acheive kindness, and when he slipped slightly into righteousness, outside forces such as cancer humbled him. Remarkable. He triumphed over tragedy in a sequence of near fatal tragedies because of a ferocious inner drive to survive and thrive, never judging his self worth by other than his accomplishments and who he is as a person. He does not belittle people, period. His demeanor is poised and calm, facing potential death to cancer in his mid twenties at a time when his career was burgeoning, he eventually acheived like a superman, seemingly knowing when to turn it on or off yet subtle and always tasteful, he beat it.Our hero. As mentioned, Lance always found people in life to assist him, brilliantly so, weather in business, to fight cancer, cycling....people adore this man. When he needed to complete high school but was at risk of not graduating with his class because of sports commitments, he persuaded a private school to enable him to metriculate, free of charge to earn his diploma. He received exposure in in competitions and triatholons so he could win prize money and attract sponsors. He networked with physicians to treat his cancer and win the tour de France seven times after his remission and cancer faded. Death hung over his head like a damaclese, and yet through it all he maintained his poise and beat it. He was repeatedly accused of drugging himself to enhance his performance, tested hundreds of times, and proved the allegations to be false. He set up a foundation and a multipurpose web site to address health, wellness , events and cancer patient concerns. He looks great on a bike, comes across as a yuppy, is a father, husbund, and has made his teamates wealthy. His relationship with his mother is moving and he credits her in part for his success. OUR HEROES. We all seek to live up to the Lace Armstrong's and his mother of this world- never quit attitude, however, I assure you, there are some who beat cancer who come across as ogers who beneath their veneers are nice people and there are those who come across as nice people who are really ogers who succumb to it and those in between. It's what one does with the adversity that defines the person, in part.

Now I have my own story as do we all, a private hell of sorts, and I'd like to think it isn't over for me yet. for lace, as the title goes, IT'S NOT ABOUT THE BIKE can be perversly tweaked to my life to express it is not over until I die. Case in point: don't allow a comedian/ piro maniac to yell opah in a crowded Greek restaurant. Folks, in all seriousness, thus far I have survived it all: homelesness, attempted murder, insults, sexual assaults, assaults, reckless endangerment, voyeurism, what I have seen and what i know. It is mentioned in my blogs. I have borrowed as best i can from erudite people and my studies to be the best person i know. Sure I've made mistakes.......who hasn't? Unfortunately for me I have experienced many people in the polar opposite to a Lance Armstrong. Some of those who initially sought to help me are criminals and engage in group think, and I have refused to go along. My mindset is to follow in the footsteps of those who are experienced and learned, period. If it is easily found in a book, why not accept the gifts? Now I am not vindictive or manipulative, however, those depicted in my blogs have corrupted and disgraced their agencies to enrich themselves at my expense, tax payors, and diseased family members, their excuses innapropriate and lude because they just feel at ease with their behavor. Crowd psychology and the nature of disturbed people palys a role here, projecting their own ill and desires because they are lacking as individuals and are collective lunatics-they are criminals.

Our nation has always ridden out the roller coaster rides of triumph and tragedy, this great experiment as Senator John McCane so aptly referred, from slavery to opression, wars and recessions, descrimination and depressions to everything in between. Once upon a time, and America seems to brilliantly reinvent itself, a great nation. Where did all the angst start for me, and why does a municipality seek to destroy me? Why in a similar veign does my country face khaos when thirty years ago we were a creditor nation and eleven a surplus nation, and now heading for bankruptcy and out of control deficits? I almost feel Christ like, Maybe even completely redeemed for any of my past indescretions. To be honest, it began largely by having been surrounded by circumstances a nd subpar peoples that are like the Willie Loman's of the world-death of a Salesman, about a man who just could not make it happen as a salesman and killed himself because of it. He was no con artist and may have died for it. The people who have perpetrated crimes against myself, tax payors of Illinois and deceased family members fancy themselves clever operators and opportunists when in my opinion if they ever faced reality would join the Willie Loman's of the world to free us of our spent good will. They are in reality defunct sociopathic very strage chess players and sick in their methodologies. They will never come close to being the Lance Armstrong's of the world because they do not have the right stuff. We understand them or have a good idea of what they are about.They function as behavoral pedophiles and perverts and prey on the vulnerable. Who are they, you may ask? They fit a profile, alright, and are hideous in their quest to enrich and pleasure themselves. They only confirm that sexual minorities in this country should remain largely clandestine because their identities are not just driven largely by libidinal desires, but sin in connection to many facets of their beings.Gay, Lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender- those are a majority of the people who have wreaked havok on me, and have put the world through a rollercoaster ride of bliss and despair. What, essentially, do they have on me? As if my discussions with my psychiatrist were for naught. Their simple claims that I am a degenerate, a fag, are not true. I say they are hideous, their claims personal invasions of my privacy, maudlin almost completely, heinous.Folks, like the great American, Lance Armstrong, I will never cease in my pursuit of justice: if I have been forced to face my truths you can be certain i have made it my life's mission to make these perverts face theirs-and justice. Their truths are lies to deceive, hide through privilages they should have never been bestowed, wreak havok, to extort, exploit, criminalize, extort, murder, terrorize, assault and belittle to monopolize their authority and compromise innocence. Sexuality is their exclusive theme/subject and rational with me, and my response to them is, look in the mirror.

Who are these people? what agencies do they represent? What are their methods? How would a reasonable person asess these people? Where do reasonable people draw the line and what justifies action of any kind if and when it's necessary? As I mentioned, in my opinion, these people are the Willie loman's of the world when one peels away the layers, unfortunately tallented at scheming to destry lives, not so tallented at much else, I would imagine. They are an oemeba of sorts, a diseased multifunctioning organism that collectively comprise on body, spreading their cancers throughout society and peoples good will, mainly for profit. They ascribe to group think, join the party as it were, because this is truly how they survive or in some cases derive cheap thrills, in my opinion. They are connected with government or are the government and in particular law enforcement agencies in my case, in Cook county, illinois, financial terrorists, and reasonable people should shun their practices,period.Where to draw the line? It seems devine intervention is all that could save us at this point. Sometimes justice is served, more often not. In my case my critics say I lack bravery. I agree. Bravery in the circles I have travelled could easily get one killed. They think I'm dumb and hypersexual.... I say it is none of their business what I am.

Who are these people? Opportunists, Willie loman's in part, dishonest, ruthless and a disgrace to honest people who try to do the right thing. I will expose these people in this writing, not out of heroics but truth. They are many of the kids I attended junior high school with, a perverse college administrator and nasty summer employees, a corrupt cook County municipal government, media, psych workers, some former and some deceased, civilians and others. These mentalities have compromised America and put us through that rollercoater ride I mentioned earlier, and have challenged us politically, socially economically and environmentally. Hence, if one knows where to look and reason, the world could begin to greatly improve, unfortunately, America's good will continues to be spent by those who occasionally reveal themselves in their expressions and in their actions. The rollercoaster ride for worse, may be over soon.

Lance Armstrog's books are gems that teach, and the one, IT'S NOT ABOUT THE BIKE means there exists a synthesis to the passions and variables that make for the beauty and freedom that is a symphony on wheels in the knowledge all things are good whaen lance is on his bike, dear to his heart, thus improving the lives of many. We sense when things are good and when they are bad; and many seek to overcome. We seek or should to resist evil, to survive, thrive, and if only through our heroes vicariously ascend the peaks and vallys to seek a better way, make things right, to instill a sense of heroics in all of us.


Lincoln Jr. High, Skokie, Illinois (1970's)
Curry College, Milton, M.A., (late 1980's)
In Touch Line, UofC, circle, Chicago
States Attorney, Cook County
U.S. Attorney, Northern district, Illinois
Illinois Attorney General
Chicago Police
Federal Bureau of Investigation
scum bags literally on the street
Mid America Rental Agency, Oak Brook, Illinois

Amy Johnson-former employee, Mid America Rental Agency, is alleged to have planted recording equipment in tennents apartments, and aided those in her company in contaminating this former tennants credit report. She strikes me as a sex deviant and may have aided law enforcement in perpetrating crimes against tennants at 1036 N. Dearborn, Chicago, Illinois , 60610.

John Bodie- Former administrator at Curry College in the 1980's, may have aided criminals to perpetrate robberies at his former place of employment, he brought students to parties wherein orgies transpired, drug use and pornographic lude picture taking transpired. He mjay have informed the FBI as to nasty messages I left on his answering device on his private line in response to points brought up in this writing and his having placed students at risk of contracting venereal diseases and falling victim to crime and did.

John Padilou- Witness to brother's death, mentioned in morton Grove death investigation report and perhaps report filed or should have by detectives out of Belmont and western in Chicago, paid me an uninvitd visit in Chicago at a motel. Mr. Padilou may be related to an individual that was working at Curry college as a maintance worker whom I got into an altercation with due to lude comments and poison ivy he allegedly placed in my underwear along with a peer.

Steve Jones-name mentioned in Morton Grove police death investigation report as a witness, (along with John Padilou) of James Usiskin's demise; I believe both parties murdered him. I alse belive the Belmont and Western police detectives are witholding evidence that would implicated they and Mr. Padilou and mr. jones in conspiracy to commit murder.


Bill Kurtis-responsible for son's suicide
Megan glaros-sneaky deviant, probably disturbed, perhps fashioned her hair after Amy Johnson.
Walter Jacobson-criminal
Hosea sanders-criminal
Rob johnson-crimianl-voyeur
Dianne Burns-deviant
Jerry taft and Tracy Butler-ruthless alleged voyeurs and do the dirty work of corrupt law enforcement personnel.
I belive many of the anchors in Chicago at channel 7 , 2, 5 and at fox news suffer from character pathological disorders of a libidinal nature.

In Touch Line-University of Illinois circle students-In connection with law enforcement in Illinois perpetrated voyeuristic acts against myself and others, drug crimes, and alleged conspired to commit sexual assaults, murder, extortion, stalking, reckless endangerment, attempted murder, assaults and harassment.

Thresholds Psych-Former employer to Marianne Flemming, perhaps she and many others are living off of extorted and illegal funds derived from illegal cottage industries and moneys illegally derived from Enco mfg. in a frivilous law suit many years ago with the assistance of the FBI and corrupt agencies in Cook County government. Sad story.

Marianne Flemming's leasbian lover; attempted to kill me with her car-she and lover allegedly used me as a catalyst for perverse sexaul acting out while i was at the Thresholds agency.

U.S. Attorney patrick Fitzgerald-

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Blagojevitch found guilty

Somehow regarding the second trial of Rod Blagojevitch the U.S. Attorney feels vindicated or at least Patrick Fitzgerald espouses such in a meeting with the press yesterday, after former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevitch was convicted on 17 counts. Keep in mind that the dirkson federal crowd and the Chicago police are Nazi entities and continue to monopolize their authority having never persued the states Attorney run by Richard Daley at one time or Chicago police for the torcher of innocent male blacks in an attempt to murder them by extracting false confessions and placing them on death row. The U.S. Attorney in the northern district of Illinois has a history of watching crimes unfold for several years before they decide to persue justice and refuse to investigate their peers in many instances. This in the hope that witnesses memories will fade or die.It is clear, in the end, the law enforcement community in Illinois is corrupt and can not be trusted, in particular the Dirkson federal crowd, the tapes in Blagojevitch's case critical since testifying in the second trial. I can tell the American people with horrifying confidence often times select minorities insofar as the populace is concerned has been correct in deviating from the popular beliefs of any given age to do what is right or morally correct. such is the case with me as depicted in my blogs. No matter how often the Nazis in law enforcement in Cook County , Illinois seek to humiliate me, I will never cease in my quest to seek justice for my murdered brother or myself or estranged deceased family members and tax payors of Illinois. Clearly not one person has come forword in my case regarding a municipality that has perpetrated heinous crimes against myself and those mentioned in my blogs or this post, but no matter, if the polymorphous and other perverts seek to humiliate me through the media in a perverse and non sensible manipulation of their chess pieces, they only manage to reveal their pathologies to the world.

weather they seek to continue to live lies, and that is where our country is at economically speaking and on other issues such as the environment, energy , the treatment of animals and a littany of other issues, I will continue to persue the truth as surely as the Dirkson federal building are corrupt Nazis along with many in the media and government. In my case, as espoused in my blogs, my issues with the U.S. Attorney's office in the northern district of Illinois, the F.B.I, Chicago police, states Attorney in Cook County, In Touch line in Chicago, media, Thresholds psych, Curry college, and civilians and perhaps kids I went to school with over thirty years ago amount to filth that in a heinous manner chose to go after me and certain of these agencies extorted money and have used me as a pawn to rationalize their actions in the most vile manner possible. Weather the law enforcement agencies will continue to cease in investigating themselves in many parts of Illinois is a guarantee seems quite certain, because they simply chose to target Blagojevitch for doing as they do. Trust me folks, as long as I am breathing I will not let this filth off the hook. To law enforcement in Illinois I say to you that if not one person wishes to come clean on sexual assault, voyeurism, attempted murder, murder, voyeurism, extortion, humiliation and reckless endangerment and stalking, at least the public knows what I know these people do.

People, Illinois has unfortunately received its just desserts in the form of its micro economy in bankruptcy, its politicians corrupt, its perverse media picking on innocent civilians, social malaise and Chicago public school students abuses, and many other issues in an otherwise brilliant state/and cook county. YOU WANTED IT PEOPLE AND YOU GOT IT. You can continue to live the lie, rejoice in sin, and I assure you, in my case, there are many who should be dead for their evil ways.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (song)

I wish to remind you people that while Osama Bin Laden's death ended a chapter in a horrific saga involving innocent people, it must not be forgotten who gave Bin Laden's men access and means to commit atrocities in the first place. I am referring to the Intelligence agencies right in the United States. The damage has been done; loved ones will not be brought back. There have been cowards who have insinuated that I am to be compared to Bin Laden. This is not only apallingly innacurate and an attempt by the law enforcement community in Cook County, Illinois to keep their propaganda machine alive so they can continue to violate Rico laws and run their illegal cottage industries, they are just as guilty of terrorism as Bin Laden was. This is about profit and we primarily have the gay, lesbian, transgender and bisexual communities to thank. Though it cuts both ways as some I sensed are this way saved my life on occasion. Sure Bin Laden was a polymorphous monster and so are many people-assholes and horrific scum, it is well documented in my blogs. Hence, if people can not deal in reality that is not my issue. If people can not accept the realities laid down by asshole God, that is not my call, it is his. If people feel burned alive, well, stop and at least consider that if you spent time with at least one of the animals you consumed, for say a year, you might find it has feelings and can reciprocate effections. And so needless suffering is rampant in the world, and it can be eradicated. Weather death, in the end, is relatively expediant or slow and agonizing as espoused by many Americans and law enforcement in Cook County, Illinois, we as Americans have ourselves to blame. Make no mistake, the Intelligence agencies gave Al quaida the means to kill Americans on september 11, 2001. We have the perverts in law enforcement to blame, perverts in general, and evil people.

Whatever many Americans can get away with they will.

We will be in touch........liars.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Chicago News Report: Man shot in the shoulder in Northwest Side drive-b...

Chicago News Report: Man shot in the shoulder in Northwest Side drive-b...: "Police are looking for two cars that may have been involved in a 5:32 p.m. drive-by shooting on Chicago’s Northwest Side."

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Persons: Hotel manager and male maid; Female Manager: Appears to be in late twenties, stout, may have encouraged male maid to assault me after having allegedly performed backgorund check on me. She appears to be a female Hispanic, subtle yet provocative. Male Hispanic maid appears to be in his early twenties, 5'3 perhaps, less than 130 pounds, bubbly yet forgetful, removed items owned by establishment from my room.

setting: Extended stay, Lisle, Illinois.

Action: Male maid assaulted me without provocation, (march 25, 2011 at roughly 4:00p.m.) by using the back of his right hand to make contact with my right pectoral area/lapel on my coat situated on my right side. He eventually extended his hand smiling in a perverse manner, (opinion). I discussed matter with a third party and it was agreed I would move after my food and drink supply were depleted.

Monday, march 28 at 7:00 p.m. male Hispanic maid knocked on my door, I sensed he was beligerent. I told him he cleaned the room some seventy hours before and that the pattern was at least every two weeks. He allegedly left toilet paper sprawled out in the corridor to which I placed in a corner of the elevator upon discovering it. I ventured to the Lisle police station between 8:00p.m. and 9:00 p.m. to convey the erratic and illegal behavor this male maid perpetrated against my person.

Wednesday at roughly 2:00p.m. I heared by my door the voice of a female that sounded like the manager say, "cahm"? I heared the male maid say a second later, "bitch".

These most upsetting individuals in my estimation allegedly colluded to harass me, and I believe law enforcement is providing information to these people in reference to a non published book I wrote decades ago which at points was in poor taste but again not published and would not have been due to the unfavorable response to its content. The male maid's actions were illegal and comments provocative, and weather they know it or not I believe both quite youthful parties revealed a scam and clues to a littany of other crimes to extrot moneys from those who operate on a maudlin scale at my expense, deceased family member's expense, and tax payors expense.My strong sense is that if Rod Blagovitch's defense team is allowed to exercise subpoenas, he will be exonerated of future charges except the lying to the FBI. In relationship to my case if it is apropriatly investigated by parties in cooperation with the Cook County States Attorney and U.S. Attorney in the tenth district, it will reveal the tragic circumstances of my case and add further credibility to our former governor, Blagovitch.

Dan Usiskin

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Corrupt law enforcement/conduit news agencies

I will continue to post links on cbs2 news Facebook page in reference to hideous corruption and bizarre verbal samantics by FBI scum through cbs 2 news anchors and other sources seemingly justifying criminal activity which effects not just me but deceased family members and tax payors of Cook County, Illinois. I am well aware as are citizens of Cook county of the appalling illegalities effecting them-hence, to imply jibberish jargon or mathematical trash talk as a rational for illegalities is bizarre and strange, otherwise, why is don't ask don't tell no longer a military issue, though it should be; or gay marriage allowed, period? The subtle hypnotic deviations from reality exercised on the part of cbs 2 news and cook county government into civil court to, " get the story" or other crimes is reprehensible. It prolongs an environment of sleaze created largely by those who wear their deficits like scars. By no means does the FBI collectively and cbs 2 news staff members posess the training of medical doctors/psychologists to have a clue as to what is going on in many cases. They clearly lack morals and expertise to the point they operate as sociopaths and let me assure the readers, they are a functional sick amoeba because when all is said and done, all men who do their best do the same. We are dealing with criminals here, folks, no fine lines.

This is why I have repeatedly stressed to citizens of Cook of County our good will hhas been spent, and I further assure the readers, there exists enough illegal hires in the system to substantiate my claims beyond logic.

Scams exist, bizarre rationals equally so, those in positions of authority and in rings and destructive criminals networks spurred on by law enforcement in Cook County do not wish to end up being supervised in jails having betrayed the faith in eachother and Illinois citizens to live out their Jeckyll and Hyde fantasies. Their Mission Impossible themes will not get them past the norm on the bell curve or spear citizens from their intrinsic garbage or do any of you recall the outcome of the Blagojevich trial? You all should surmise their Pandoras box is so wide open and character pathologies so pronounced, Marceau marceau would have retired early at the site of them. Folks, our societal party of prolonged prosperity in many venues will be severely curtailed in future years. If you care about the future of life, than a plathora of think tank agencies must arise to combat government corruption at all levels. Or perhaps you all are used to terms such as doomsday and expediant legislation weather it's transportation in Illinois or wall street bail outs. Our government has few scruples; people are full of sin. Look, we are deteriorating economically, educationally in Chicago public schools as a group, socially and have diluted progress because government has gone to the fishes and is manipulative. It's leaders consistantly entertain a Marie Antwinet attitude, drain the tax payors for our mismanagement and enjoy the figureative carousal ride as we are overcome with joy high on psychological morphine......wake up, people!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look, I am not rallying citizens of Illinois, I seek no unfair advantages, many are not worth it anyway, rather, the pathological networks/clicks seem to do as they please and with relative ease. In my case the rule many years ago was go along or be cast out. I'm out. Go along? Should I have gone along with Hitler back in the day? Slavery? Women being denied the right to vote? Blacks being forced to give up their seat on the bus? Propaganda to aid and abett in societal deterioration because the police or Intelligence agencies said do so? Did't we all read about those cheap propaganda tactics to keep people in line back when we were students? I live in reality. I will no longer remotely go along with a governmnet that fucks up worse than I ever could when we face the littany problems brought out in this writing. You know the score people......bankruptcy, botched up investigations, abuses, it is always something.

No matter where we are in the progression of political hodge podge, we can alter our destiny for the better. Again I am not a consummate Che'- a character in the play, Evita, running around telling people you see, see....all is about to crumble and you trusted this bitch!!!!? Others know the specifics better than I. If people trusted a poor farm girl to save them from themselves they were dreamers. Clearly the law enforcement community in many parts of Cook county are fixated on planting seeds of destruction, sneaky fuckin' bastards that will poison our future and reap a harvest of decay. Why not borrow from the many sources that get it right on so many topics in and outside America?

should I produce a littany of names? Mention the criminals? You know about the John Burge's; the Terry Hilliard's that are sell outs to their own race or why represent an agency that picketed a good supertendant and raised money for a cop that drunkenly killed two civilains? Sick.....sick. Where are we coming from, people, for example when we witness a great character actor deteriorate, (Charlie sheen) because he lives in a dream world of booz, loose women, and drugs? It caught up with him and will catch up with us-soon. Feed into the malaise of destruction? Get help, Charlie and you too Cook County government and the media, or are have you no more decency?

Where do you draw the line, folks?


Thursday, March 10, 2011


The problem with people like the cbs 2 news anchors is that they can easily be removed from their position of authority to act like barbariens. The same goes for the FBI and Chicago police. Especially the scum at the Chicago police. Bill Kurtis thinks he operates from a base of logic, but in actuality he is likely a goulish pedophile just like many who serve in law enforcement and are trapeed in their subcontious atrophy and sick ideations that are not manufactured but are who they are. Bill Kurtis approach just like the FBI and Chicago police is to say, let's fight about this, but would they be saying that to some huge black guy in the Ivory coast that appears to be able to bench press 500 pounds and lives in utter poverty? Think again , folks. What the parties may not have come to accept is that the public knows what is going on and likely says, okay, are these people pleasent or not? If we can't get rid of them, let them live their Don Kihotee lives, they are there because they are freaks.

The public has cast their votes on many issues, so as Judge Judy would say....'No, No,...don't look over there, or there, look here and answer my question!!!Face reality because my job is to get to the truth!!!' Did the public attend dedications to fallen officers years ago when a stone was erected fot Chicago police? Less than one tenth of one percent!!!!!But when the BlackHawks won the Stanly Cup.....the whole populace of Chicago threw a party!!!
When the mayor's race commenced and ended, how many eligable adults in Chicago bothered to vote? less than 30%. Do people trust politicians and the media? The polls flucuate, but over all, no. Now people get their news from multiple sources, and the networks are surviving like anyone else. Let's accept the truth, and that is the people in media in Cook county, law enforcement, and sick civilians actually enjoy exploitation and are in the least, collectively and many individually, aroused by controlling people, otherwise they would not obsess with destroying peoples autonomies. People like Bill Kurtis and many at these news agencies in Cook County have destroyed their families lives....not a business associate, not a friend, but their own children!!!!!! They did it to make money!!!!!! I suggest to Bill Kurtis and Mayor Daley that they visit their sons graves and redeem themselves for essentially killing them. Don't make idol threats. Don't try to weezle out by displacing your rage onto me. Don't play dumb with the public-visit your kids because you put them there and you have to live with it. You rolled the dice on their dimes, just like wall street did with eachother and main street, and innocence paid to bail you and them out.

You people know what is what, enough already.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


It is apparent the news anchors in Chicago, and I specifically refer to cbs2 but there are others, find it impossible to cease in their conduct. so I will remind readers that Bill Kurtis son killed himself because of his genetic rape; Walter Jacobson was arrested for drunken dosorderly conduct; Hosea Sanders at channel 7 was caught with
narcotics; Dianne Burns was fired from channel 7; and the list goes on.
I think citizens of Cook county and Chicago have had enough of having their good will spent. I would hope most have had enough of an Illinois government at all levels, but particularly Chicago and the media of libidinally based crimes committed against innocent tax payors perpetrated by the scum that has formed clicks inso far as the media, law enforcement, corrupt civilians, and others in Cook county is concerned.You will find out if you read on. Think about it: 80%+ of adult tax payors in llinois have good or better credit ratings, pay their taxes and operate within the law. There exists a constant game of divide and conquer within government and power hungry individuals that have lost sight of reason. Police that want a police chief out and is,(Weitz) even though weitz crime/numbers are very good, an "outsider" many claim but have no authority over Daley who defends them,(cpd), has covered for them, and they still never endorsed him. A governor who today reinstated a moritorium on the death penalty, only to be told by Anita Alverez, the Cook County States Attorney that Governor Quin made a huge mistake, despite the John Buge conviction. A speaker of the house,Mike Madigan, who violated Rod Blagojevich's civil and legal rights as did Attorney General Lisa madigan and U.S. Attorney Fitzgerald, during the impeachment process, Madigan having presided over a bankrupt Illinois for years. Wake up people, and in particular black people, the system does not care about you, or Burge would have been charged with crimes against humanity. The points I brought out here are terrible and point to a government out of control.
With the Chicago police, media, Dirkson federal crowd, politicians, certain civilians, and others connected in scams and crime, it is always antics. Weather it's governors going to jail, aldermen, a senate candidate having lost his bank to mob ties and greed, Genoulais lost millions on investments - tax payor money he refused to insure, or a media that mocks the handicapped in a crude and vile manner, we as tax payors pay for this, and it is wrong. Why don't you cowards come out and admit to your evil deeds?. What have you got to hide in my case? I will tell the public; a littany of crimes because the executive and judicial branches of Cook county have crimes to hide. Extortion,conspiracy to commit murder, attempted murder, sexual assault, harassment, reckless endangerment, and these agencies mentioned monoploize their authority and have bilked tax payors giving themselves generous pay raises and negligent hires despite their illegal and unethical conduct. I can also assure the public, Illinois citizens would unliekly receive second chances if and when thay do these things.Let's review some of the events of the past year in Cook county alone:
A former governor was placed on trial, walks away from 23 of 24 counts, is now looking to take the charge to save tax payors money and himself from a questionable defense team, and move on. Why not allow him to move on, patrick fitzgerald? The wall street journal and Washington post want you to move on. patrick Fitzgerald is a liar and a criminal who has covered for scum at all levels in the executive branch since his appointment as U.S. Attorney from the begining. If Blagojevich takes the one charge, he looses his pension, and tax payors get paid back in the long run.
Taxes raised on all Illinois households by the General Assembly to the tune of $1,000.00 per household because we are bankrupt. BANKRUPT!!!!!!!!!! Get it, folks? It was not an issue a little over ten years ago.
A mayor elect who meets with a college professor who tweeted obsceneties about him, gives him a check for $5,000.00 and insures that at the radio station where they met, it will go to charity. Emanuel engaged in near pay to play politics, reaping tens of millions, and played games with the election committee so that his address had to be contested to falsely get his name back on the ballot, and Gary Chico has done nearly the same thing in so far as pay to play goes, though both men are quite bright, who in their right mind would want to be mayor at this time?
A Chicago, former Chicago cop, (Burge) torchered over 100 innocent male blacks for decades, collected a pension for decades more, and only after 40 years was found guilty of crimes, but not against humanity. Nazi.
Chicago public school students dropping out at a rate of close to 50% before graduation on any given year.
In my case, I am devestated by the perverts at the news stations in chicago in connection with law enforcement and sick civilians having allegedly used cameras to engage in voyeuristic activity to twist their behavor as if to justify their activities, and people like Robby Johnson need to be fired for his exploitation of others now winding through the courts, his station named in a civil suit as well. Are not reasonable citizens frustrated with being used as toilet paper by many who are genetic rapeists and exploiters, I am referring to many in the Cook County media, law enforcement, and sorry civilians moving their chess pieces to engage in a littany of crimes and many in law enforcement getting their peers killed in the process? Let me say that if the wheels of justice remotely turn in my favor I will seek no monetary rewards for myself but for tax payors of Cook county. Our economy is facing chapter 11 bankruptcy and soon. However, scam artists, Nazi like exploiters in law enforcement in Cook county, are controlling our lives and laugh all the way to the bank. This should end. Folks, with the right leadership, the city of Chicago could become a modal for this nation and the world. The good can be acheived. Men like professor Geofry Sacks of Harvard, teams of forensic accountants, skilled Attorneys not on the government pay roll, and intellectuals can propose modals to turn our nation's and Illinois economies around, or accept bunk and mediocrity and a media that repeatedly verbally play back exploitative scenarios over and over again and are paid huge sums despite many lacking any kind of tallent. The hell with the Jerry Taft's of the world, Brant Miller's, Steve Baskerville or Tracy Butler.....they are sell outs to their families and themselves. Who the fuck is a U.S Attorney who charges a governor with crimes, Blagojevich, names his wife in the indictment, and gives her a pass. A fag who will politically survive and then rally the public by saying Lincoln would roll in his grave at this former governor, that's who. Who the fuck is a Northwestern professor who invites two descrepit disturbed kids into his classroom to give a demonstration with a toy instead of refer students to a case study?Does he not care about the school's Ivy league status, the studentd faculty and furure donations?

A wave has swept the middle east in recent months sending a contagion of reformist demands essentially telling leaders who have been in power that we are tired of being exploited. You scum are parisites and have enriched yourselves at our expense for too long.Has Chicago not had enough with the crookery entioned in this post? I don't know about you people, but the writing has been on the wall a long time, and when reasonable people are impeded on by scum that would be better off collecting welfare checks with one foot in the grave spending our good will, it is time to tax theirs.Dan Usiskin